Top Speed

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Like most kart racers, Top Speed features all the standards of the genre: wacky sabotage items, drifting and speed bursts, and a host of colorful maps, while adding several new features. Simple additions like stackable sabotage items, a sabotage item queue, improved drifting, and an intuitive interface immediately place the game in a tier above other online PC kart racers, but it’s Top Speed’s customization and online community features that make it stand out in the genre. For the first time, players can completely customize their kart and avatar, providing another level of depth. Kart customization includes cosmetic options and 5 different types of performance upgrades, while avatars each sport their own nickname, gender, horoscope, profile, and custom appearance. With over 1000 items available in the CBT version, every racer will have a unique look and performance.

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