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Help, I am in the Pit! What do I do now?

Discussion in 'Forum and Site Support' started by ogreman, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    First off, do not panic:). The Pit is used sometimes just because a member has not been on in a long time for whatever reason. While in the Pit, you are not earning any points.

    The reason for this is simply because the system for some unknown reason was rewarding points for people not even showing up. This resulted in people taking off for up to a year, coming back, and then getting a card before leaving again. If that had kept up, there would be no point system today.

    That said, all you have to do is be active again and you will be removed from the Pit:). It is that simple. Coming back just to complain or start trouble because "we took all your points" is just silly. Your points are still there and will stay there whether you can see them or not. They are like in holding until you come out of the Pit:).

    Some have been punished by being thrown into the Pit, but it is still not taking away any points. In many cases, in terms of punishment, it is used primarily to temporarily remove somebody from chat because they are not acting respectful to other members. AS soon as the punishment is over, everything is returned.

    However, those that do come back and complain, start trouble etc will also be clubbed. Once you are clubbed then that is really it and your points are gone. Please understand that before doing something silly:).

    Going to stick this thread and leave it open for now. This thread should be used to inform, not complain.

    If you have come back from a long time and you are in the Pit, look the forum over and post some and then send me a PM. Would be happy to remove anybody from the Pit who deserves it:).
  2. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Going to leave this thread open for people who find themselves in the Pit.

    There are two ways to land in the Pit:

    1. Vanish for weeks or months. We have been doing this one less now since the new point system does not reward people being away like the last one too.

    2. Punished besides being banned. This is for people who did good or great for a while and are actually given a second chance if not a third. Sometimes this is constantly bugging and/or breaking rules along with ignoring what I tell them.

    Notes on the Pit:

    1. No chat.

    2. No buying anything from the Shop while in the Pit.

    3. Conversations have been turned off.

    4. It is one step away from being banned completely.

    How to get out of the Pit:

    1. Being active again.

    2. Dropping the behavior that got you in the Pit and continuing to not do it once reinstated.

    3. Posting in this thread after doing the first two:).
  3. Croco12

    Croco12 The Crocodile The Pit
    1. TSM

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    So not only bad ogres go to the Pit? I mean, even inactive do?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2015
  4. p

    p Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    The pit was originally specifically a place to put inactive people to prevent them earning points while in it, to circumvent one of the functions of the vbexperience plugin. Using it as punishment for other things was a later addition to the plan, though it's since become the main function. So, different reasons for different people.
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Yea, this is mainly for punishment these days. I try to talk with all members to keep stuff some smooth, but some don't care to listen or try to work things out. When it gets to a point when they drop all activity and just bug me in chat or by PMs, the Pit or even the Club is not far behind.

    Regarding names, I will not be discussing them. I used to do that on occasion and learned the hard way that nothing good ever comes of it. The fact is that no matter what somebody pulls or how they treat the mods and myself, somebody probably liked them and will miss them. Also, that is not the purpose of this thread.

    The purpose of this thread is to help those in the Pit get out of it:). Vanishing or continuing to act badly will not get anybody out of the Pit. We noticed conversations being abused in the Pit so we had to remove them. Hence, why this thread was made:).
  6. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Indeed, we are using this more lately. It comes in handy when somebody just drops everything because they either got all they want or were caught doing something wrong and don't want to respond in order to fix the problem. The upside is it that they can recover from it unlike the big club:).
  7. Sabugo

    Sabugo Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

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    ty fot the information here

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