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GameOgre.com Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Ogres Hall' started by ogreman, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Anybody caught making multiple accounts for referrals will not only not get anything, but will also be clubbed.
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  2. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, we had an issue just the weekend where some new members were trying to use copied reviews as their own. This should now be squashed as the ones who did it were fined serious forum points and had their Review Contest points wiped out completely. Anybody who copies somebody else's review and claims it as theirs runs the very definite risk of being clubbed right away.
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  3. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, reminding new members about "No referral links." in the first post. This includes advertisements such as banners.
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  4. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, if I give you a warning by visitor message or PM to stop doing something, it better be stopped or the Club will come next:).
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Please do not forget about the thread at http://www.gameogre.com/forums/ogres-hall/47536-no-lumle-giveaways-giveaway-abuse.html

    Had a member here last week who admitted to having multiple accounts and then got mad when he could not get a card. Multiple accounts are not allowed and can be used to cheat by giving everything to other accounts. Since this member followed up with insults because he was mad, his accounts were clubbed. Trying to cast doubts on a site that you freely admit cheating on, does not exact give you very much credibility lol. Thus, instead of talking about it and trying to get past it, a temper tantrum has unfortunately sealed his fate here. I have worked with many members of the years and the vast majority are able to work something out despite a setback. I enjoy communicating with those:).
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  6. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Please be respectful of other people in chat. The Pit or a clubbing is possible for anybody who can't do that.

    Furthermore, please avoid asking about points, cards, and Steam games in chat. There are some things that should be done via PM.

    Lastly, the issue with giving away points to other members is still a problem and eventually resulted in a clubbing today as it is not open to debate. If somebody tells you no on something, please do not waste our time by arguing about it. If I am swamped with things to do and a member will not get off this subject (like today) despite being many threads on it, punishment is a definite possibility.
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  7. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, added a rule that we have kept upon several times over the years.

    "Do not announce that you will not be participating in an Event for any reason."

    The reason may be true and even good, but that does not mean that they help the Events at all. In fact, they only hurt especially if it is by somebody who won in the last one. Thus, it is time to make this one official.
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  8. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Please do not make multiple accounts for points. If you want to make points faster be more active and post well:).
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  9. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, we had take care of an example of somebody who broke one of these rules recently.
    • No multiple accounts.
    These usually turn out bad at one point or another because the intention seems to be to abuse or exploit something on the forum. This made is made even worse when both accounts on the same IP are demanding. That said, we will be sticking to this rule and enforcing it. The only possible exception is if it is needed for a good reason and I am contacted before both accounts are made. Otherwise, at least one of the accounts will be clubbed and the other could wind up in the Pit until they can prove that they can climb out of it:).
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  10. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Please use class and respect when PMing a member of the staff. We have a great staff here and they are trying to help the community everyday:).

    PMs with the staff should not be used to vent in novels, for stubbornly complaining without listening, or be insulting. Of course, doing it multiple times only makes it much worse. Doing so can land you in the Pit or get you clubbed. In fact, we have done both these in the past year or so because it was needed. We don't like to do this, but some push it so far that it is needed unfortunately.

    We have to be firm in certain areas because we have to continue to operate this forum. Many of our policies and rules have been developed over the years by experiences:). We have learned from those and continue to do so.

    Sometimes the best way to handle the situation is to just to stay a part of the community and stop the PMing after I say let's move on:).
    AleksandarJ2003 likes this.
  11. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    One of the old rules needs to be looked at and followed more these days. Seems to be getting real bad as of late. Negative questions, comments, and especially announcements (I will not be participating etc) in the Big Event thread will not be tolerated. If needed, points in the Event will be removed. If it gets too bad, forum points or even a club could be the solution. These Events are the motors that drive a lot of the activity here so there is no call for negativity in them. Instead, simply PM me if you have a problem or a question:).

    • No extra comments in Giveaway or Event threads.
    The good natured ones I don't mind as much, but the negative ones have no place here.
  12. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    • PMs with the staff should be respectful.
    If you have received cards and games here, please show class even if you are removed from the Royal Ogres (which you can get back).

    Had an incident recently where a member got a ton of stuff from the shop and then stopped everything after spending all of their points. Furthermore, they even removed their Steam Profile. If that is not a cash out, I don't know what one is. I just sent a PM saying that they were removed for now until they returned, asked if it was a vacation, and even said something positive if it was indeed a cash out lol.

    Well, finally got a response tonight and not only were they not grateful for everything they got here, they were extremely negative from the start about me and the forum here. No thanks. That PM just showed that it was indeed a cash out and they don't belong here much less to be a Royal Ogre.

    To summarize, show us respect and you will get it in return:). Go off like an idiot on the staff or myself, and I will hand your head back to you with my club lol. Act right and you can be a part of a friendly community for years:).
  13. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, not going to name names or give exact details, but if I send you a PM about something important you need to respond. The worst thing to do short of going nuclear is to not only not respond but to stop all activity completely. If you do this for a long period of time like say a week, do not be shocked if you are clubbed for it:). Also, if you are sent another PM and the PM states that if you do not return or respond by a certain date you will be clubbed don't be surprised or say it was for no reason when that actually happens lol.
    Nexus928 likes this.
  14. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, this person may return. They contacted me by email and I had to explain. Basically I spent enough time on it and now it is solely up to the member.

    A general thing on explaining. I dont mind it to get somebody started in something but after a while it does become a drain especially if the other person is just depending on me for everything. When it gets to that point, I will normally just stop. Sometimes i will tell the person that I just can't spend anymore time on it. For example, not just going to hand out saves in the Event because somebody does not want to remember to do it. Also, asking about a card or game in the shop by PM without posting any is not good either. Not going to spend a lot of time for someone who can't even post:).
    Nexus928 likes this.
  15. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Two quick things:

    1. Please avoid talking about politics or any real life conflicts here. This is a game site that has a friendly community and should stay that way:). 2. If you have a problem with a post, do not respond to it and simply report what happened. We will take care of it:). Anything above that should be avoided.
    NeSsQQuiCk likes this.
  16. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Something else:

    If you have no intention of helping a bad situation, keep your opinions out of it especially right in the middle of a thread. Had an example of this yesterday and it was not good. All it did was make a bad situation worse and then it was compounded even further when the ones talking about it had a chance to actually help and turned it flat down! No trying to help at all or nothing, just a flat refusal with their busy.

    The being busy excuse doesnt work when you could have acted differently to start with. Then to top it off they were shocked when I let them know about it lol. It is real simple, if you can't back up what you say, dont say it. They are the ones who put themselves in that situation, not anybody else. All they had to do was try for a few minutes or just name a time when they could. Now I get novels by PMs that take them way longer than an actaual match would lol.

    The fact is now its done and I did not club either. I won't unless they make it into a problem going forward.

    I will stand by at least trying when the community needs your help on something:). Really that is what makes a good community. Not going to argue about it or read a novel of excuses about it either lol. The best thing to do is wipe your head off from the mild mild "clubbing" and get back in with the rest of the ogres:).
  17. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, adding a new rule to make this clear since it is still happening.

    Do not leave negative comments or announce non-participation in Events, Tournaments, Contests or features run by the staff or another forum member.

    Going to start cracking down on this one because it make no sense and all it creates is negative. We also have a new thread in Ogres Hall for levels of punishment. Not going to argue or have to listen to a ton of excuses for this stuff anymore. If somebody is not participating in a tournament (which is hard enough to run already) and not only has to leave negative comments but announce they will not participate, they will have to deal with me:). No excuses will be taken for this either. The first punishment after a warning PM will be the removal of Royalty if they are a Royal Ogre. If the member does not stop that and becomes a better part of the community, the Pit and the Club are next .

    I try to be nice to all members and have for years, but that does not mean I will not club somebody out of their boots if they get out of line lol.
  18. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, here is a small one but it has been going on for years and still seeing it. In fact, I just decided to close a giveaway thread to discussion posts because of it despite having some good posts.

    If positive suggestions are asked for in a thread, that is all that should be given:). It is not the place for negative opinions of the site or to ask for something like cards or sometimes both. It also helps nothing asserting that some people are here for cards or games whether true or not simply because it is only negative. Thankfully, there are people here for the community who care nothing points and cards and there are people here who help the site in many ways. In other words, I think it would help a ton if we focus more on the positive:).

    Here is my opinion on the negative opinions here:

    1. Have seen them for years so none should be viewed as a startling breakthrough lol.
    2. They are not asked for much less wanted lol.
    3. Most are not accurate because they don't know everything involved. .
    4. Have no value at all unless the person saying them wants to actually help fix whatever the problem is:).

    That said, those that are seen as having no value at all will be deleted in chat or in posts.
  19. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    If you break a rule and are lucky enough to survive, please do not cause drama because you were caught. The only thing that will come from that is a clubbing. We do not need drama in chat or in the forum and I certainly don't want to see it via PMs.

    If somebody is barely posting yet still demanding cards and creating more drama than anything else, they will be clubbed. No back and forth complaining or excuses, just clubbed. I try to be a nice Ogre and dont really club unless i have to:). However, this scenario is getting more like a have-to these days even after the member has recently gotten something from the shop. In fact, if drama became a physical avatar on the forum itself, I would club drama too:).
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