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How many DCs left in your account?

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by legionlord13, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. But a collection is a different variable in consumer spending, and of course a collection might not necessarily entice people to spend immediately. Some people might save up their DCs till spring when there are legion items or save up simply for other reasons. And it's not like DC offers happen rarely... they're usually twice a year, one during Black Friday and one during the summer. The strategy behind employing deals near those holiday times (close to Christmas or close to summer vacation) is that players have time off to play video games compared to most other times of the year, and holiday times usually attract more people, especially new players. It's not so much about motivating players to spend their DCs immediately, but to bring in new faces who might enjoy the game and want to support the game, or let familiar faces take advantage of the DC bonus for practically any reason (to spend immediately, later on, etc.).
  2. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    I thought it being a collection that releases during the same month when holiday times take place would have been a clue enough to come to that conclusion.
  3. Collections get added several times a year, even for events that aren't even official holidays like May the 4th and Dage's birthday. Even if AE somehow forgot to add a Frostval collection or some other holiday-related collection, people will still take advantage of DC bonuses (as long as they don't already have a bulk amount of DCs already) to save up for other things because it's still a special offer. It's the offer that tempts players, not so much the collection itself... how people spend those DCs is a different story, but what encourages people to buy DCs are the special offers.
  4. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    One thing usually leads to another and such an offer just screams to be spent on that new collection. Another motivation I can see is to get more bank vault slots with less money spent on DCs to get more of them with that bonus.
  5. It's all situational. People just buy DCs how they see fit, not necessarily to spend it on anything specific. Everyone will have different intent on spending, but taking advantage of a DC bonus offer has little to do with the actual spending.

    When I bought DCs about a year ago during a DC bonus, I didn't spend those DCs immediately. I had a little over 24,000 DCs at that time. I've gained probably 5,000 DCs (perhaps more than that) just from doing daily chests, and I used those DCs for some bank space since chest items were filling up my inventory. Only collection I bought was the Summer Collection and the only DC item I bought was the flame helm, way past 8 months since I initially bought DCs during a special offer. And right now, I'm sitting at about 19,000 DCs. I find myself rarely spending any DCs at all, only gaining them from daily chests each day. Might even go a year (2020) without spending DCs unless there's really anything that interests me, and I hardly find anything that I truly like in the game.
  6. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Of course a DC bonus is a factor in your DC spending because it can determine you getting just enough DCs to get something you want to get. Not everyone is going to get the most expensive DC package during a DC bonus even though that would be the smartest thing to when you want to get most value out of your money.

    I can relate with there not being things that are worth it to spend DCs on when it comes to them being something you would actually like to get. Only thing that I have bought with DCs is Dricken Claw and that's it if we are not including bank vault slots.
  7. Randy1987

    Randy1987 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    ATM I have 1,344 dc I’m saving them to get bank
  8. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    You can get a bank vault with that amount of DCs or are you saving to get two at the same time?
  9. There wouldn't be much point to saving up to buy two at the same time. The reason anyone would save up would be to ensure that when AE releases any new DC items, you don't leave yourself at 0 DCs. I think if any player had 900 DCs, spending it right away on bank vaults is a bad idea, because you don't have any "emergency" DCs. Instead, you can wait until you have a confident amount of DCs before even spending some of it. And it's always easy to reorganize your bank and just delete items you don't need.

    Personally, I think if you're doing daily chests every day (especially to earn DCs), you should just transfer the uncommon rewards you get from chests to treasure shards, so you can save up on crucial inventory and bank space. You can easily earn back the uncommon items anyway by continuing opening up chests.
  10. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Not everyone wants to keep their DCs to get DC items. There are a lot of items that you can't get with DCs and those items need space too if you wish to store them in your bank.
  11. Xctroy

    Xctroy Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran
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    Used to watch my daily ads regularly until a few months back when it started giving me the 'ads unavailable' error constantly. It was a good source of collecting DC for me and i hope they fix this issue. To answer your question i currently have about 2k dc saved up :)
  12. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    It might have to do with your region, but it might be because of something else too. What are you planning to use your DCs on if you have a plan to do so?
  13. Xctroy

    Xctroy Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran
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    It initially worked okay for a bit when i reset my google ads ID but that doesn't seem to help anymore.
    I like to buy dragon morphs with my DC or collections (bought all last year when i used money for DCs) but now that I've chosen not to spend, I'll be focusing on Dage or Darkon items.
    Hopefully will have enough saved up by the time the next ones show up.
  14. That has always been an issue. Doesn't matter what region you're in (since players from different regions have reported the same issue)... the error has never really been addressed, even after a year. It might help turning off and on your Wi-Fi sometimes, but it's not really a fix. And even if you do get an ad, sometimes you don't even get rewarded your DCs, and the counter decrements even if you didn't get your reward which is an oversight.

    But it doesn't really matter much anyway. You can still get a ton of DCs just from doing daily chests. I have some alt accounts that I've been doing daily chests on that I haven't really played on, and they have 6,000 DCs. When you think about it, earning DCs is a lot easier than earning currencies from other AE games like ACs in AQWorlds.
    Xctroy likes this.
  15. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    It's unfortunate that AE hasn't done anything about this, but this isn't really on their priority list by the looks of it. AQ3D is pretty generous with it comes to getting premium currency without having to pay to get some.
    Xctroy likes this.
  16. I don't think they have much prioritization of monetizing premium currency at all, even for their own business. Like free DCs is incentivizing for players, but the company doesn't earn hardly as much because of that. From a business standpoint, it would make sense to encourage players to buy DCs and put up a lot of promos to attract players that way, and not give away DCs, but it doesn't seem like the company wants to go that route. Instead, a player's purchasing decision is mainly influenced by how they perceive releases and their way of playing the game, rather than direct advertisements from the company.
  17. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Things have stay pretty much the same for a long time when it comes to monetizing DCs. AE hasn't pushed it, but they did experiment with those collections which you have to buy with real money which kinda counts. When you think about it, monetizing a game at this state can give newcomers a wrong idea and I would prefer that AE doesn't go crazy with it. Yeah, it has been couple of years now, but this game isn't live yet and that isn't exactly a good sign.
  18. I think for the most part, it depends. I don't mind spending money on a game, as long as it's reasonable and justified. I'm even a proponent for pay2win games (as long as it's not in competitive ranked games, or in a game where the main objective is winning), because I think having that alternative is more inviting to the working class of people who just don't have time to play video games everyday. The world's an economy, and just about any business needs income, even the video game industry. I tend to think people are snobbish when it comes to their own perception of spending money on a game, because they really think about their own situation rather than everyone else's.

    But where the line is drawn for monetization is, again, the egregious markups and pricing on virtual items. Like 4,500 DCs (about $20) for a form is one of the most egregious prices AE's done, and it's not the only time AE's done poor monetization like that. The ULTRAHAT in AQWorlds, for instance, is 5,000 ACs, which is a similar equivalent to $20-25. Of course, purchasing those items is optional, but when you realize that these games are catered to kids and teenagers, there is some psychological harm, especially where children are tempted to fall into addiction to spending things, sometimes using their parents' credit cards or encouraging parents to submit to their addiction. And even though it's not profiteering, I'd definitely consider pricing virtual goods and services however a business wants to to be very unethical.
  19. Crichardson21291

    Crichardson21291 Banned

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    I dont think ive ever seen the dc bonus. May be because i usually purchase DC during events.
  20. goddrinker

    goddrinker MMORPGer New Ogre

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    someone told me today that their friend has 1 mil+ dc on their account. i get that some people want to support the game and such. but spending that much on is risking like your real life financial situation. idk if she was just joking about she seemed to believe it. what do u guys think about spending that much?

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