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Otherworld - a game I'm working on

Discussion in 'Online Game Development' started by Tariel, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    Oh yeah, I forgot to remove that text. Currently it's possible to attack and kill animals, but what is not implemented is healing, so if you get wounded, you will continue to bleed each round, including all subsequent fights, so it's possible to bleed to death if you don't stop fighting in time. It's also possible to manufacture pretty much all Neolithic items and some of the wood tech. It's also possible to dress an animal carcass (I mean separate the parts from it, not put it in a funny costume). Currently you can't separate the meat yet, but you can get antlers and sinew, which can be used on some manufacturing projects. You can also get scapulae from some animals. The large scapula is used to make the bone shovel, and the regular scapula is used to make the hide scraper. Currently it's not possible to scrape hides yet, but I will get there eventually. Overall what most people do in the beginning is travel around until they find granite, rhyolite or basalt, and chert, flint or again basalt (basalt is dual action and counts both lithic and polishable). Then you make a knapping stone and a manual grindstone. With these you can manufacture the basic Neolithic tools. The hammer requires a stone awl to make a hole for the handle, and the hammer can be used as an improved version of the knapping stone. Once you have a stone axe, you can fell trees, and once you have the flint-toothed wood sickle, you can cut grass. This way it's possible to clear out vegetation in the square you're in. In the future this will be a requirement for making fields for farming.
  2. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    I wrote some guidelines for the future clothing system. The temperatures are in Celsius.

    Layers per clothing type:

    Ushanka: 3 layers
    Padded hat: 3 layers
    Thick wool hat: 2 layers
    Wool hat: 1 layer
    Regular hat: 1 layer
    Hood: 1 layer
    Padded hood: 2 layers
    Fur-lined hood: 2 layers

    Padded jacket: 2 layers
    Regular jacket: 1 layer
    Wool shirt: 1 layer
    Long-sleeved shirt: 1 layer
    Undershirt: 1 layer
    Short-sleeved shirt: 1 layer for torso, 0 for arms
    Vest: 1 layer for torso, 0 for arms
    Fur vest: 2 layers for torso, 0 for arms

    Padded trousers: count as 2 layers
    Trousers: count as 1 layer
    Wool leggings: count as 1 layer
    Long underpants: count as 1 layer
    Short underpants: doesn't count as a layer

    Padded shoes: 3 layers
    Lined shoes: 2 layers
    Regular shoes: 1 layer
    Socks: 1 layer
    Sandals: 1 layer

    Layer requirements:


    Head: 1 layer
    Top: 1 layer
    Arms: 1 layer
    Legs: 1 layer
    Shoes: 1 layer


    Head: 1 layer
    Top: 1 layer
    Arms: 1 layer
    Legs: 1 layer
    Shoes: 1 layer


    Head: 1 layer
    Top: 1 layer
    Arms: 0 layers
    Legs: 0 layers
    Shoes: 1 layer


    Head: 0-1 layers
    Top: 0-1 layers
    Arms: 0 layers
    Legs: 0 layer
    Shoes: 0-1 layers


    Head: 0 layers
    Top: 0-1 layers
    Arms: 0-1 layers
    Legs: 0-1 layers
    Shoes: 0-1 layer


    Head: 0-1 layers
    Top: 0-2 layer
    Arms: 0-2 layers
    Legs: 0-2 layers
    Shoes: 1-2 layers


    Head: 0-1 layers
    Top: 1-2 layers
    Arms: 1-2 layers
    Legs: 1-2 layers
    Shoes: 1-2 layers


    Head: 1 layer
    Top: 2-3 layers
    Arms: 2 layers
    Legs: 1-2 layers
    Shoes: 2 layers


    Head: 1 layer
    Top: 3-4 layers
    Arms: 3-4 layers
    Legs: 1-2 layers
    Shoes: 2-3 layers


    Head: 1-2 layers
    Top: 4 layers
    Arms: 3 layers
    Legs: 2 layers
    Shoes: 3 layers


    Head: 2 layers
    Top: 4 layers
    Arms: 4 layers
    Legs: 2 layers
    Shoes: 3 layers


    Head: 2 layers
    Top: 4 layers
    Arms: 4 layers
    Legs: 3 layers
    Shoes: 3 layers


    Head: 2 layers
    Top: 4 layers
    Arms: 4 layers
    Legs: 4 layers
    Shoes: 4-5 layers


    Head: 2-4 layers
    Top: 5 layers
    Arms: 5 layers
    Legs: 4 layers
    Shoes: 4-5 layers


    Head: 2-5 layers
    Top: 5 layers
    Arms: 5 layers
    Legs: 4 layers
    Shoes: 5 layers


    Head: 3-5 layers
    Top: 5 layers
    Arms: 5 layers
    Legs: 5 layers
    Shoes: 6 layers

    Sample clothing per temperature:


    Head: sun protecting hat necessary
    Top: light long-sleeved shirt to block sun
    Legs: light trousers
    Shoes: sandals to block heat from ground, no socks necessary


    Head: sun protecting hat necessary
    Top: light long-sleeved shirt to block sun
    Legs: light capris or trousers
    Shoes: sandals to block heat from ground, no socks necessary


    Head: sun protecting hat recommended
    Top: sleeveless shirt
    Legs: shorts or loincloth
    Shoes: sandals to block heat from ground, no socks necessary


    Head: sun protecting hat recommended
    Top: sleeveless shirt
    Legs: shorts or loincloth
    Shoes: barefoot or sandals, no socks necessary


    Head: no hat necessary
    Top: short-sleeved shirt
    Legs: shorts
    Shoes: barefoot or sandals or light shoes, no socks necessary


    Head: no hat necessary
    Top: short-sleeved shirt
    Legs: capris
    Shoes: sandals or light shoes, no socks necessary


    Head: no hat necessary
    Top: long-sleeved shirt, short-sleeved undershirt, or light jacket + undershirt
    Legs: trousers
    Shoes: light shoes, socks


    Head: some sort of hat
    Top: jacket, long-sleeved shirt, short-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: trousers
    Shoes: shoes, socks


    Head: wool hat that covers the ears
    Top: padded jacket, long-sleeved shirt, short-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: trousers, long underpants (optional)
    Shoes: (lined) shoes, socks


    Head: wool hat that covers the ears
    Top: padded jacket, thick long-sleeved shirt, short-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: trousers, long underpants
    Shoes: lined shoes, socks

    Head: thick wool hat that covers the ears
    Top: padded jacket, thick long-sleeved shirt, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: trousers, long underpants
    Shoes: lined shoes, socks


    Head: thick wool hat that covers the ears
    Top: padded jacket, thick long-sleeved shirt, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: padded trousers and an underlayer or trousers, wool layer and underlayer
    Shoes: lined shoes, socks


    Head: thick wool hat that covers the ears
    Top: padded jacket, sweater, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: padded trousers and an underlayer or trousers, wool layer and underlayer
    Shoes: padded shoes, two layers of socks


    Head: ushanka or a wool or fur layer covered with a wind-proof layer
    Top: padded jacket, sweater, long-sleeved thick shirt, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: padded trousers and an underlayer or trousers, wool layer and underlayer
    Shoes: padded shoes, wool socks


    Head: ushanka or a wool or fur layer covered with a wind-proof layer
    Top: padded jacket, sweater, long-sleeved thick shirt, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: padded trousers, regular trousers or wool layer, and underlayer
    Shoes: padded shoes, wool socks, regular socks


    Head: ushanka or a wool or fur layer covered with a wind-proof layer
    Top: padded jacket, thick sweater, long-sleeved thick shirt, long-sleeved undershirt
    Legs: padded trousers, regular trousers, wool layer and underlayer
    Shoes: padded shoes, 2 wool socks, regular socks

    If a person is wearing too many layers, they get an encumbrance penalty. Each clothing item will have a thermal value for certain body parts and each temperature will have a required range per body part. If you exceed the thermal value, you will be too hot and if you don't reach it then you will be cold.
  3. Zalb33

    Zalb33 DA BIG CLUB Ogre Warrior
    1. TSM

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    Wait whats the genre of the game?
  4. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    Persistent browser based game / society simulator / RPG

    As a difference to most traditional RPG's, there are no quests, plot or levels. If you want to pay another player's character to work as a bodyguard, run your shop or fetch resources for you, you can do that, so in a way you can create your own quests but there are no points for completing them. You agree between the characters what the reward is. You can also cheat them out of their pay but there are likely to be consequences. The objective is not to win but to live. You can set your own goals, like lead your community from Stone Age to Iron Age, or build the most beautiful palace, or convert as many people to follow your religion as you can, or then you can just produce enough food and items to stay alive and spend the rest of your time socializing with other people. There is no right or wrong way to play, maybe short of attacking animals until you bleed to death, or starving yourself to death.
  5. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ah ok, on the healing. When do you think that will be available? Sounds good on the stuff you get from animals though:).

    Yea, I noticed the need to make gear and weapons. Is there a way to get like a newbie weapon to help get all the items for more advanced tools etc?

    Also like the role playing aspect where different players can fill completely different roles:).
  6. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    I've been using a chert knife to kill animals. Currently the animals have a very high chance of missing, so it's unlikely you will get hurt so quickly that you wouldn't have time to escape without bleeding to death if it starts seeming unlikely you would win. If the blood drop symbol has a frowny face, it means you're seriously injured. Currently I haven't yet added the mechanics for making bronze, iron or steel and also the weapons that use them don't have attack values assigned, so even if you were able to make them, they wouldn't count as weapons.

    Currently the items that can be used as weapons are: basalt cleaver, basalt hammer, basalt knife, bone sickle, chert knife, flint cleaver, flint knife, flint-toothed wood sickle, granite hammer, rhyolite cleaver, rhyolite hammer, stone axe, stone-tipped spear, throwing spear, wooden bat, wooden club and wooden truncheon.

    It's quite possible to accomplish a lot of things without access to animal parts. Currently animal skins are objects rather than resources, and my plan is that you can make rawhide (a resource) with a scraper, or dry it on a rack, then use a brain tanning solution to produce leather. I'm not going to work on this until next year, though (provided I don't die in a plane crash, keep your fingers crossed). Also it's not possible to separate bones yet. I could make it possible to use a severed leg as a club, that would be funny. One problem with the rawhide thing is that the current system doesn't support variable result weights based on weight of the input, so either I would make all hides in a size category give the lowest amount of rawhide possible in that category, or develop a system that allows assigning a percentage of the input weight (better solution).
  7. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ah ok, knowing that will help then:). Also good to know the weapon possibilities:).

    Hope you are ok. I will loan you my trusty club to see to it that you make it into 2017 without a scratch:) .

    BTW, Happy Ogremas:).
  8. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    Thanks. I survived the plane ride. Of course I still need to go back in the first week of 2017.

    I was thinking last night that I think I could afford to slow down the time so that one day in real life is just 1 week in-game instead of a month.

    About combat between humans, people should choose in their settings if they're aiming for a kill or forced surrender or just to stop the other person from attacking. If the day changes while the battle is ongoing, if someone dies, they will be dead from that point on, but they can still act out the combat scene so that the player of the dying character can get closure.
  9. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    I hear you:). Kind of an off week for everybody this week being sandwiched between the two holidays. Myself, I have been focused on my PC this week. Needs an upgrade and/or I need a new one lol. Been really acting up lately. In fact, I currently cant use Firefox right now for some reason.

    Yea, that could work.

    You mean the settings for one battle or in the user's profile for all battles? Because I could see either one being used. Of course, if it was in the profile, it would be automatic for each battle:).
  10. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    I guess optimally people would have a default strategy that is used if the player doesn't have time to make individual choices before time runs out, but if they do log in, they can come up with a one time only strategy for that particular fight. Then if they notice that it's a good one, they can alter the default strategy to work the same way.

    My idea of how to do the strategy settings is allowing people to select a counter style for each individual combat style, and also exceptions for when your woundedness reaches certain thresholds. Optimally you can also pick certain people onto a no kill list, where you tolerate more violence from them and even if they were trying to kill you, you would only attempt to overpower them instead of harming them. This way if your family member, especially a child, suddenly decides they want to commit suicide by proxy and attack your character totally out of OOC motivations, you won't automatically kill them even if you were stronger, but for example try to tie them up. In the future, pain will also trigger different responses, like a possible out of proportion retaliation in a friendly sparring match, or a flee or surrender reaction in a life-threatening situation. For example if you're just practicing and someone accidentally breaks your nose, you might lash out and try to do the same for them or just curl up and start crying. Characters will have a bravery variable that can be trained. Also if you win several fights in a row, your bravery increases, whereas if you get beaten up a lot, it decreases.
  11. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Yea, a default strategy would make things easier:).

    Ok, that would work. Having certain responses set up for certain situations should help get into the game easier.

    Would bravery depend on other factors like number of opponents or will it be one-on-one for the most part?
  12. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    I hadn't thought about the multiple opponents part. Logically people should be less brave when outnumbered. If someone is very foolhardy, they will believe in their own victory even when outnumbered. There needs to be some system for keeping track of who is on whose side, as well as allowing people to turn on their allies. But in an automated combat, how do you define when to turn on your allies? It should probably only be done manually. I should look more into how to program combat. It won't be like the hunting system where you currently hit once per click. Maybe I should change that to use defaults as well and you should decide on the rules ahead of starting the battle.
  13. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Are multiple opponents possible under the current system?

    Yes, would need that. Maybe have a little battle room where sides are chosen? For example, the Realm used to have a combat room with multiple opponents allowed on either side and there was a cloud to everybody outside of the battle. They could see a battle going on, but could not join.
  14. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    Currently it's only possible to initiate combat against an animal, but if two people approach the same animal, one of them will be able to see the other one and attack them. The other person won't be able to retaliate or hit back on their own because they can't even see the other person, since they joined the combat in the future in respect to your timeline. That's why I will eventually need to rewrite it. I'm wondering if just having two sides would work. There could be cases where there are three or more sides, but if people are wise, they would attack and wipe out one party before turning on the other one. But what about bar brawls where everybody is against everybody? In that case it would be better if people defined their primary target, maybe some secondary targets plus a rule to attack anybody who attacks you first, and in some cases everybody who tries to run.


    I'm currently working on the new resource system. I have made a lot of progress in one day.
  15. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    There could be more than two sides at a time, but is likely very hard to code because of the possibilities right?

    Depends on the bar brawl, but mainly it is two sides are at least starts out that way:).

    Yea, they would need to define their target:).
  16. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    Most recent additions are the tags system for resources, requiring fire for projects that use a fire pit, oven, hearth, forge etc., changing the way trees are generated and reducing the frequency of trees in areas that aren't forests, redesign of some of the minimap graphics, timezones and expression of day and night, including overlaying the minimap with semi-transparent blue when it's night, and the introduction of season. Currently there is no temperature but you can see the season as well as the time of day.
  17. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Nice additions:). Plan on making a regular roll out of improvements or just addressing everything as needed?

    You don't use any of the game development software right? Asking because I just got a double of a good program and add-on through a bundle. Offering the program in our shop for now, but you can have it if you think you would use it.

    Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard – GameOgre
  18. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    I keep adding stuff when ever I feel inspired to do it. After last post, I added temperature, air humidity, rain, and the ability to scrape hides to produce rawhide. I also noticed that there was a bug concerning multiples when manufacturing items that use components, so I fixed that. I should soon add brain tanning. I'm not putting myself on a set schedule, but I've been updating more frequently now because one guy accused my project of being a dud, and I wanted to prove him wrong.

    I'm not using any software for this. I'm not sure what I could expect from such. What does it do?
  19. Tariel

    Tariel Big Brute New Ogre

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    One thing I have come to realize today that in order to get what I'm going for, I will need to allow the game to generate new resource types dynamically. I will have to assign tags to all base resource types and write a system that defines which categories can mutate and which logic they follow. Each fruit, vegetable and berry will have a base wild form and a domesticated form. Multiple varieties of the domesticated form can exist. Some domesticated forms can be a merger of two wild or other domesticated forms. For example all citrus fruit can interbreed. Hybrids and mutations will inherit the tags of their parents but some tags can mutate. I need to write a rule set for which tags can mutate and into what, and which tags overwrite each other. For example processed overwrites unprocessed and any flavor overwrites bland.
  20. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Ok, sounds good. Well at least that inspired you:). Was told GameOgre was ugly back when it first started about 14 years ago haha.

    The software would probably be best at adding graphics, but not sure how it would work with your current systems.

    Hmmm, that would be great if you can make that happen:).
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