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Social Ogre Gamers Event

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ogreman, Apr 25, 2016.

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Not open for further replies.
  1. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    This Event will also focus on the usual and various social aspects such as participating in tournament, Ogre Game Time sessions, and adding videos to our new Media gallery. The Social Games Forum is also now back in it's old spot:).


    April 26th, 2016 - June 27th, 2016


    Top 10 Members Will Win Prizes.

    1st Place (40,000 Points or higher): $20 Game or Card
    2nd Place (30,000 Points or Higher): $10 Game or Card
    3rd Place: 5000 Forum Points
    4th Place: 3500 Forum Points
    5th Place: 2500 Forum Points
    6th Place: 1750 Forum Points
    7th Place: 1000 Forum Points
    8th Place: 750 Forum Points
    9th Place: 500 Forum Points
    10th Place: 250 Points

    The member who participates the most often will receive the Iron Ogre medal regardless of how they place in the final standings.



    1. Post here to join this event.
    2. You have to post in the thread whatever you did to earn points.
    3. Anybody who makes over 30,000 points, post items at least 75% of the time, and places in the top 10 will double their prize.
    4. Partial points or possibly no points will be awarded if an item submitted is in poor to average quality.
    5. Extra comments will be removed from this event.
    6. Please do not overdo PMs about the Event due to lead changes etc.
    7. If first or second place do not reach the requirements, will get the equivalent in forum points instead.
    8. To qualify for the Steady Drawing that is held once a month, must average at least 75 points a day.
    9. Content such as posts and reviews must be original.
    10. In addition to the point prize, the point winners will also get 250 forum points for every 1000 Event Points they earn.

    Point System:

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 200 Points

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 30 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day

    5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points

    2 New Threads in Social Games = 300 Points

    1 New Thread in any Forum = 100 points (3 max per day)

    Making an original forum image = 100 to 250 points depending on quality

    Making an original video that GameOgre can use on its YouTube channel = 250 to 500 points depending on quality

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 points (Limit 4 per day)

    Answering a trivia question = 25 points each (Limit 4 per day)

    Following the LiveStream at Twitch = 100 Points - One Use

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 100 Points

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 10 Points (Max 3 times daily)

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    Setting a new high score in the new XF Forum Arcade = 100 Points (Limit 4 per day on different games)

    Reviewing any game = 100 (only five times per day) Possible Points

    Reviewing any Ogre Game once = 150 Possible Points (not counted above) (one max per day)

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points

    Answering a game request accurately = 50 Points (only twice per day)

    Making the image for this Event (must be approved) = 500 points

    Posting a thread about a Steam Game that is at least 50% in Budget Gaming = 45 Points (only twice per day)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 20 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)

    10 posts in any Sub-Forums (do not double count with anything else) = 150 Points

    Voting and commenting on a game battles at Online Game Battles - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 50 Points (Limit 5 per day)

    10 game-related forum games = 75 Points (Only once per day)

    5 Posts in Best and Worst Games = 200 Points

    5 Posts in Free Games = 200 Points

    A new thread in Free Games = 120 Points (3 per day max)

    Making predictions at MMO Showdown Predictions 2015 = 250 Points

    Answering a trivia question = 50 points each (4 per day max)

    Asking a Trivia Question while processing the last one (for those who run trivia) = 150 points

    Voting and commenting at GameOgre.com Member of the Month for April = 100 points

    Voting and commenting at GameOgre.com Best Game of the Month for May = 100 points

    Item Bonuses:

    Participating in an Ogre Game Time session in Twitch chat on the OgreMedia Channel = 500 points

    Playing in an Ogre Game Time Session = 750 Points

    Participation in at least three current contests or mini-contests = 100 Points

    Winning another contest or mini-contest = 250 Points

    Participating in a MOBA Tournament = 500 Points

    Participating in a Hearthstone Tournament = 500 Points

    Playing (No DQ) a game in a tournament = 200 points per game

    Winning a Hearthstone Tournament = 1,000 Points

    Winning a MOBA Tournament = 1,000 Points

    Participating in MMO Review Spotlight = 250 Points

    Participating in a Review Contest = 250 Points

    Winning a Review Contest = 500 Points

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points

    Linking at least ten post items (45 links+) in one day = 200 Points

    Steady Bonuses:

    Posting at least 50 points a day for 7 straight days unlocks 1000 extra points

    Posting at least 50 points a day for 14 straight days unlocks 2000 extra points

    Posting at least 50 points a day for 30 straight days (1 month) unlocks 10,000 extra points

    Posting at least 50 points a day for 60 straight days (2 months) unlocks 20,000 extra points

    Double Points Activation:

    Post at least once in every forum of Online Games | MMORPG and Online Game Forums =500 Points

    Post at least once in every forum of Game Forums | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 500 Points

    A good post and vote in MMO Showdown 10 - Counter Strike: GO vs. League of Legends = 200 Points

    All three must be completed to activate double points and the first two can be done again.


    Djole = 172,660 Points (save) (10k) (double)
    Branko = 158,880 Points (10k) (double)
    Redlight = 153,110 Points (save) (10k)(double)
    Croco = 68,879 Points (10k) (double)
    Crownknight = 67,000 Points (10k) (double)
    Giolegenda = 29,920 Points (save)
    Bottle of Rakija = 26,050 Points (save)
    Septera = 19,300 Points (save) (10k)
    Seigai = 14,200 Points (save)
    LoLGamer = 1505 Points
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  2. Septera

    Septera Ogre Extraordinaire The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  3. LoL GAMER

    LoL GAMER Spiked Club Ogre Regular

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Here is link where I commented. There are more than 200 words and it is on MOBA:

    Xin Zhao discussion

    7)Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use
    I played it total was 3100 :D
    Participating in a MOBA Tournament = 500 Points GameOgre LOL Tournament 8

    6)PlayOgre Combat = 50 Points - One Use (I like when I take off the head and it is bouncing :D )

    8)Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use (And this is fun. The best graphic of these 3 games. :D )

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    Good V.s Evil
    Diamond or Gold House?
    New champion rotation
    LoL Penta Kills
    Rank the MOBAs after LoL

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    Asssisting enemy team....
    How much time I wasted on League of Legends
    How to win ranked!
    What is the easiest way to get out of silver ?
    Gold in before season now Bronze V

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    Favorite ability in League of Legend?
    How to get out of bronze ?
    Does anyone know how to name a new hero?
    Best SummonerName?

    DAY 1
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  4. GioLegenda

    GioLegenda Elite Ogre The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    #DAY 1

    Joining a Nation inOgre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points
    Ogre Wars Stompers

    Playing Ogre Wars = 20points per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 200 Points
    Nightblue3 - TROLL BLITZCRANK - YouTube
    Nightblue3 - HECARIM MID LANE BULLY - YouTube
    Nightblue3 - FULL AP AKALI JUNGLE IS THE NEW OP - YouTube

    5 Posts in Best and Worst Games = 200 Points
    Worst game :D
    Best DBZ Game
    Best games for playstation 3
    Top games from 2010 to 2013
    My top 5 worst games

    Following the LiveStream atTwitch = 100 Points - One Use

    PlayOgre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Good V.s Evil
    This or that
    Hot or Not
    Hot or Not Games
    Which is Bigger...

    5 posts in any forum atGame Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Minecraft star wars mod.
    Nether dragon
    15 things you didnt know about villager.
    Diamond or Gold House?
    First time you heard of Minecraft :D

    5 Posts in any forum atOnline Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points
    How much time I wasted on League of Legends
    What is the easiest way to get out of silver ?
    Runes and Masteries!
    Troller in enemy team!
    [LOL] Login Screen

    5 Posts in Free Games =200 Points
    Sim Taxi:lotopolis city
    Empires of Arkeia
    Soldiers inc
    Gotham City Rush

    Making predictions at MMO Showdown Predictions 2015 = 250 Points

    Participating in a MOBA
    Tournament = 500 Points

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  5. Croco12

    Croco12 The Crocodile The Pit
    1. TSM

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 200 Points

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 30 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a stupid answer
    What Games Did you Play Today
    Hot or Not
    Good V.s Evil
    This or that

    Day 1.
  6. Grawl

    Grawl MLG King Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Stompers

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 200 Points
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 270 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 269 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 268 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 267 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 266 (League of Legends) - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 30 points per day
    Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points
    Fan Us on Facebook!
    somebody playing super smash flash 2?
    Club Penguin
    Favorite Social Games.
    Social game

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 10 Points (Max 3 times daily)
    Play !Dots! | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 1 Starship | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Swat | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    Setting a new high score in the new XF Forum Arcade = 100 Points (Limit 4 per day on different games)
    Play 3D Tunnel | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Tunnel V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play Aeroplane | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play Aeroplane V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Following the LiveStream atTwitch = 100 Points - One Use

    Answering a game request accurately = 50 Points (only twice per day)
    Looking for good strategy game
    Mobile MMO Apps

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    What Games Did you Play Today
    Hot or Not
    Good V.s Evil
    This or that
    What Did you Eat Today

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    A new thread in Free Games = 60 Points (5 per day max)
    Empires of Arkeia
    Sim Taxi:lotopolis city
    Rogue Soul

    Winning another contest or mini-contest = 250 Points(I have won the Big Event)

    Participating in a MOBA Tournament = 500 Points

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 20 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    GameOgre LOL Tournament 8
    Ogre Quests
    First time you heard of Minecraft :D
    Hi I am new on this forum
    Who like ARK Survival Evolved?

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  7. Seigai

    Seigai MMORPG Addict Ogre Regular

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1 :
    1.Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    2.Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Black & White Casino
    3.5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points
    What social games are you playing?
    somebody playing super smash flash 2?
    Most Pouplar social games
    Facebook Games
    List Your Highest Facebook Game Level
    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Good V.s Evil
    What Did you Eat Today
    This or that
    Hot or Not Games
    Which is Bigger...
    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Minecraft star wars mod.
    Nether dragon
    First time you heard of Minecraft :D
    Diamond or Gold House?
    15 things you didnt know about villager.
    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points

    Troller in enemy team!
    [LOL] Login Screen
    New champion rotation
    What is the easiest way to get out of silver ?
    Runes and Masteries!
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 20 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    My top 5 worst games
    Best DBZ Game
    Worst game :D
    Your best 3 games from the childhood?
    the most annoying game
    Participating in a MOBA Tournament = 500 Points
    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  8. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  9. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points
    Following the LiveStream at Twitch = 100 Points - One Use

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 100 Points
    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use
    Making predictions at MMO Showdown Predictions 2015 = 250 Points
    Participating in an Ogre Game Time session = 500 points
    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Day 1. 1,630 points!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  10. djolebelevode

    djolebelevode Ogre Legend The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1
    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Black & White Casino
    5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points
    Social game
    Most Popular social games
    somebody playing super smash flash 2?
    Club Penguin
    Unfair Mario
    Reviewing any game = 100 (only five times per day) Possible Points
    Battle Splash
    Guncraft Review
    Secret Builders Review
    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Good V.s Evil
    This or that
    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a stupid answer
    Hot or Not Games
    Hot or Not
    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points
    League of Legends Lags (Fps, Ping)
    Best SummonerName?
    How to get out of bronze ?
    Favorite ability in League of Legend?
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 20 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Top of the World Game Event Discussion Thread
    Ogre Quests
    Mobile problems
    Chivalry Medieval Warfare
    Lee Kee Child a brand new HTML5 game for bored people
    A new thread in Free Games = 60 Points (5 per day max)
    Felspire ,free browser mmorpg game
    Clash of Avatars
    Meat Boy
    Pause Ahead

    1230 for todaaaay :)
  11. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Points added:).

    Very good first day with some new faces:).
  12. LoL GAMER

    LoL GAMER Spiked Club Ogre Regular

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    New Champions Rotation
    Best tank in League of Legends
    Is this real ?
    League of Bugs
    OP teams in LOL

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points

    Champion select sounds!
    Silver ranked :P
    Best Solo Top Champion In League Of Legends?
    What is your dream about League of legends
    ward discussion

    5 Posts in Free Games = 200 Points

    Icy Tower
    Red Ball 1
    fireboy and watergirl

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  13. Grawl

    Grawl MLG King Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Stompers

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 200 Points
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 265 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 264 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 263 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 262 (League of Legends) - YouTube
    ® Random LoL Moments - Episode 261 (League of Legends) - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 30 points per day
    Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 10 Points (Max 3 times daily)
    Play 3D Space Skimmer V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Space Skimmer | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play Air Dodge V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Setting a new high score in the new XF Forum Arcade = 100 Points (Limit 4 per day on different games)
    Play Air Dodge V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play Air Dodge | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Space Skimmer V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Space Skimmer | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Good V.s Evil
    What Games Did you Play Today
    What Did you Eat Today
    Hot or Not
    Ask uncle Google

    A new thread in Free Games = 60 Points (5 per day max)
    Free Gear
    Wheely 6
    Stung Master
    Tiny Jumper

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  14. Croco12

    Croco12 The Crocodile The Pit
    1. TSM

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  15. Septera

    Septera Ogre Extraordinaire The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  16. Seigai

    Seigai MMORPG Addict Ogre Regular

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1.Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    2.Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Black & White Casino
    3.5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points
    Social game
    Top Eleven or Soccer Manager?
    I need an answer? Texas Holdem Poker
    How many Facebook Games?
    Favorite Social Games.
    4.Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 10 Points (Max 3 times daily)
    Play 3 Foot Ninja | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Swat | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 299 The Lost Spartan | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    5.Setting a new high score in the new XF Forum Arcade = 100 Points (Limit 4 per day on different games)
    Play Billy Suicide | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play 3D Space Skimmer V32 | MMORPG and Online Game Forums
    Play Blue Ocean | MMORPG and Online Game Forums

    6.Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points]

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a stupid answer
    What Games Did you Play Today
    Hot or Not
    Good V.s Evil
    This or that
    8.5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points
    Best SummonerName?
    Favorite ability in League of Legend?
    How to get out of bronze ?
    League of Legends Lags (Fps, Ping)

    9.5 Posts in Free Games = 200 Points
    Icy Tower
    Red Ball 1
    fireboy and watergirl

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points
  17. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day

    Day 2: 130 points! :greyalien
  18. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  19. djolebelevode

    djolebelevode Ogre Legend The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 2
    Playing Ogre Wars = 20 points per day
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Black & White Casino
    Reviewing any game = 100 (only five times per day) Possible Points
    Murder Miners Review
    OpenTTD Review
    Forsaken World First Impressions
    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 to 300 (graded on quality) Points

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums that is not trivia = 100 Points
    Good V.s Evil
    Hot or Not
    Good V.s Evil
    What Did you Eat Today
    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a stupid answer
    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums and can include trivia = 100 Points
    Hearthstone Tournament 19
    BEST KDA competition (Forum XP reward)
    Silver ranked :P
    Best tank in League of Legends
    Troller in enemy team!
    5 Posts in Social Games = 250 Points
    Empires & allies !
    Candy Crush Saga
    8 ball pool Multiplayer on Miniclip
    Criminal Case
    How many Facebook Games?
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 20 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Mobile problems
    Hi I am new on this forum
    ward discussion
    lag lag lag
    Best next gen games
    A new thread in Free Games = 60 Points (5 per day max)
    The Skies
    Epic Clicker Journey
    Guardians of divinity

    Item Bonuses:
    Participating in a MOBA Tournament = 500 Points
    Participating in a Hearthstone Tournament = 500 Points

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points

    2350 for today
  20. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.

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