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Gaming Blog - Minecraft
Published by Mayonnaise in the blog Mayonnaise's blog. Views: 3232
Okay so today im gonna share you my goofy impression of the sandbox game, "Minecraft" cx
Minecraft is like a simulator game where you can do almost anything build anything, craft anythung you want to.
There are 2 options on how to play
in creative, you have everything on your inventory. Unlimited resources, unobtainable items such as spawn eggs, You can even fly, acces every place in the world you enter. You will never be hungry and ypu will never die. Basically, you are a god-like being
You can get acces to strong swords, enchantment books etc. Creative is a good way for testing out stuff. Or building huge projects such as skycrapers or even a giant Smurf (idk)
It is fun to play with friends.
In survival, you start without any items. You start from scratch. Gathering wood, crafting tools to aid your survival. You also gather food, be it fruits , cropss or meat. Youre avatar can get hungry.and will lose health points (hearts).
There are 3 or 4 difficulties (sorry for the inconsistency)
Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard
On peaceful, you won’t get hungry. But will still die if you drown, fall to lava for a long time, burn with fire, or fall from high places.
There will be no enemies, no zombies, no endermen, no skeletons, creepers etc..
On Easy, enemies will start spawning at night or on dark places. They attack you and will lose hearts if you arent careful enough.. And will die in the process.
Normal and Hard are the difficult versions of easy, where mobs hit harder and spawn rate are quicker.
There are different biomes i have explored so far :
Savannah : Like plains, flowers grow, tall grasses can sometimes be seen. Horses are plenty.
Dessert : too hot! Omg. Rabbits! Sand~ Sand! And plenty of sand! Sadly.
Taiga Biomes : this is where you can tame wolves. Yes. Wolves. Feed them skelethingies.
Jungle : this is my favorite part! I can go screaming OHHH AWAWAWAWA! (Tarzan)
XD tame cats here using fishes.
(An ice and snow filled Biome) i cant quite remember.
It’s so vast. Too many exciting things to explore. :3
I have seen and entered generated structures so far
JUNGLE TEMPLE (consisting of a monster filled room) i die here a lot. By i mean a lot, i mean reeally really alot.
DESERT TEMPLE : me: oo oooo omg i see chest. Not just one! But 3! Or 4! Wooooh! Am rich lets go diving! (Dives down) *click* *hissssssss*
Me: wait… What is that?….. *BOOOOOOOOM!* rip in potata. You were blown off by TNT
Xd. Exciting right?
Cobwebs, Spiders, Zombies and even Creepers! Can come at you from any freakin direction.
But hey :3 you can get good stuff from it. So yay
STRONGHOLD: *whisper whispers* this is the most hard structure i tried to conquer wiv my cousins. (Even tho i didnt do much) i mean.. Silverfish?! Lots and lots? Oh rip in potata
OCEAN MONUMENTS : the most breath – taking structure. Literally. XD underwater fighting skills. You will feel like aquaman.
WITCH’S HUT : you can smell a witch’s cooking abilities here. It gots a cauldron (which i always rob) xD
Well. It’s pretty enjoyable as always. It offers a lot of amazing moments.
Minecraft is really amazing right? c:
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