The Call of Duty franchise is known for its intense and competitive multiplayer scene. And with the release of Modern Warfare 2 we have seen a resurgence in the number of people playing CoD once again. Which is fantastic news for fans of the series.

But if you’re new to the game it can be quite a difficult task to face off against the seasoned veterans of the series. Pulling yourself up through the ranks is no small feat. Which is why we have put together this ultimate guide to dominating the multiplayer of Modern Warfare 2. With these tips and tricks you’ll be racking up the kills in no time.

Adjust Your Settings

One of the main reasons people struggle to get kills in multiplayer matches is that they haven’t adjusted the settings of their game properly. This should be the first thing you do. Brightness is one of the more important settings. If your game is too dark or bright you won’t be able to spot enemies at a distance. This will ensure your foes always get the drop on you.

The next setting you need to sort out is your controller sensitivity. This dictates how fast or slow your character moves their gun around the screen based on your controller inputs. You want to find the sweet spot that works for you. It needs to be sensitive enough that you can quickly switch targets during a match, but not so sensitive that you overshoot your target.

Level Up

Leveling up in Modern Warfare 2 is essential to success. Only by leveling up can you unlock all the weapons and attachments you’ll need to stay competitive. You get XP by playing any of the various multiplayer modes. But the most effective way of leveling fast is by using double XP tokens.

These can be unlocked by completing the main campaign. This is also a great way to get some shooting practice in without ruining your K/D ratio. Activision often runs double XP weekends and special XP events during the holiday seasons. So make sure to utilize these events while they are happening. 

Spend Time On Your Loadouts

Once you reach level 4 you will unlock custom loadouts. This is the bread and butter of succeeding in competitive multiplayer. Once you have a good selection of guns and attachments you will want to spend some time creating your different custom loadouts.

You should spend some time figuring out which playstyle you’re best at. Are you a sniper? Or perhaps you excel with shotguns. Then you should look up which guns are best for your playstyle and pick the attachments that best compliment those weapons. Then we recommend doing some practice rounds with your loadout in unranked modes.

Using Hacks To Train

Practice makes perfect. And this saying holds true for Modern Warfare 2 as well. One of the best ways of improving your skill level is running practice sessions with AI or your friends in a private match. One of the things that the pros do is use hacks during training to better focus on the areas that need improvement.

By using premium modern warfare hacks you can get rid of the need to worry about other things such as aiming and instead focus on things like positioning or grenade skill. Or you could enable godmode and focus on team communication without the worry that you’ll die to AI. 

Learn The Maps

When you first start playing Modern Warfare 2 the chances are most of the maps will be unfamiliar to you. And this gives a huge advantage to the players who have taken the time to learn the map’s layout. They will know all the best sniping spots and ambush zones. 

While you are training in private matches you will want to take some time to memorize the maps. You should learn every corner and shortcut. You should learn which areas provide the best cover and which areas are open kill zones. You could be the best shooter in the world but without map awareness you are never going to succeed.

Get Enough Sleep

True mastery of any multiplayer game doesn’t just come from improving your skill level. It also comes from looking after your mind and body. Reaction time is one of the most important aspects of a first person shooter. And the amount of sleep you get is directly linked to your reaction times.

It is very tempting to keep on gaming into the early hours of the morning. But this is going to have a knock on effect on how well you perform in future matches. If you speak to any pro gamer they will tell you that the biggest secret to their success is proper diet, exercise, and the correct amount of sleep.