Without Bitcoin, we wouldn’t be talking about crypto. Without Satoshi Nakamoto – whoever he or they are – we wouldn’t be discussing crypto-powered online games. But here we are, and perhaps the most notable subset of crypto game sites are the Bitcoin casino sites. There are hundreds of them and reputable review sites such as Crypto Lists help you find a suitable one, regardless of your preferences.

Back in the day, if you wanted to enjoy top-line online games you’d have to skulk on to an old search engine, which can be a little intimidating to newcomers. However, with the rise of online gaming and the newer rise of crypto games you don’t have to leave your favorite sites.

What is Bitcoin gaming?

Bitcoin gaming refers to using Bitcoin, a digital currency, to play games online. In other words, instead of using traditional currency like US Dollars or Euros, players use Bitcoin to play online games.

This allows for faster and more secure transactions. Overall, Bitcoin gaming is a form of online gaming that utilizes the unique features of Bitcoin as a decentralized and anonymous form of currency.

BTC leads the way

While there are of course games that accept Ethereum for play, and other cryptocurrencies too – Bitcoin is definitely the daddy. Not only is it the first coin and original blockchain, it’s also the most publicly recognizable and primed for mass adoption.

This explains why the online gaming sector has been relatively quick to seize the opportunity. In a digital nutshell, there are simply too many people who prefer using crypto coins to play games online.

The beauty of Bitcoin gaming

Bitcoin games essentially include any game that features on a crypto game site, although there are a subset of those provided either in-house or by a third-party development studio that are geared specifically towards Bitcoin players.

These include games that are very basic and appear pretty much everywhere. And also games that are hugely popular, as well as other games that have the same mechanics but different design and playability.

One of the big appeals of BTC games is it allows people to put their crypto coins to fun use during a time of market downturn. Instead of watching their value slowly ebb away, a player can use a portion of their holdings to play with and enjoy.

Why people love to use Bitcoin to play online

There are plenty of personal reasons an individual might have for opting for Bitcoin games as opposed to traditional online games. However, some universal reasons rise to the surface whenever the topic arises.

  1. Faster speeds

Most Bitcoin games that also offer prizes and rewards in Bitcoins have processing times of between 1-3 days for the latter. For the former, you can get your prizes as fast as the blockchain allows, in most circumstances. If it’s a centralized crypto game, you’ll perhaps have to pass some KYC procedures that may include a scan of your passport or proof of address. If it’s a decentralized crypto game, you’ll enjoy a pure Web3 gaming experience at the mercy of the network validators. Bitcoin can be a little slower than some of the newer networks such as Solana, however, if you use Lightning Network it’s super speedy and rivals the best upcoming layer 2 solutions.

  1. Higher security

Banks can be hacked and details about your information can be stolen from the most innocuous places. You could be entering your details into a clothes website and all of a sudden your credit card details are being used in another country by cybercriminals. With cryptocurrencies, this can’t happen. The beauty of wallet-to-wallet transactions is that you’re dealing directly with the online game without any need for third-party payment processors or other middlemen. Of course, crypto exchanges can be hacked and personal wallet details [made vulnerable] and that’s why many recommend using non-custodial wallets. But, that’s another story for another day. Likewise, un-licensed online games got more issues and not every license is a serious as UKGC’s security audit for every single game provider. So after all, the game license is key for higher security.

  1. Anonymity

Although every transaction made using Bitcoin features on a public ledger – such is the nature of blockchain tech – the wallet-to-wallet nature of it is simply a more anonymous way of transacting. Furthermore, your payments don’t appear on a bank statement and it’s a lot more private, which is appealing to a lot of players keen to slip under the watchful eye of ‘big brother’.

Why people love to play Bitcoin games

Bitcoin games offer an exciting and innovative way to play games online. The use of cryptocurrency adds a new level of excitement and thrill to the gaming experience.

  1. Innovation

Short online games, the type that are typical among crypto game sites, bring the casual mobile game experience to a more online gaming-focused audience. You try to receive prizes at the highest possible value before the plane, ball, spaceship (and so on) crashes and the game ends. They’re easy to play and offer high potential prizes, but do not spend all your time playing these lower quality games!

In the online game world, the kinds of games now being developed by the top studios are very high end, with lots of unique features and compelling graphics. One organization with advisors that helps innovation within the crypto space is called https://cryptoforinnovation.org/ and for entrepreneurs and those considering adopting crypto in the online game market to a higher degree it might be worth checking out.

  1. Ease and simplicity

These kinds of crypto games are the epitome of ‘pick up n play’. As discussed in the point above, there are no complex manuals needed or a prior knowledge of previous games. Players can simply play the game and experience the world that the developer has brought to life. There are games based around pirate ships and ancient Egypt. And tons of games about sports. So, whatever someone’s tastes are, they’ll find something they thoroughly enjoy.

Overall, people like to play Bitcoin games because of the security, speed, innovation, and unique experience that they provide.