Saturday, April 20, 2024

Gamification in Gaming

Gamification has spread into varied fields and no matter which way we approach this, people often respond to similar catalysts and display comparable behaviour patterns which analysts work to identify and...

Master These 5 Digital Card Games

Once the preserve of ‘nerds,’ digital card games are back in full swing and they are all the rage. It doesn’t matter where you stand on the nerd-o-meter, the simple truth...

What is Coming to the Sonic Franchise?

Sonic is an interesting video game that has quite a bit to offer. There is the excitement of the racetrack, the multiple versions of the game that have evolved throughout a...

Four Best Fantasy Games of All Time

From retro classics to modern RPGs, the fantasy genre has always been rife in video games. There’s something immensely appealing about entering a world of magic and defeating an evil figure...

What eSports Culture and Online Games Have in Common: Social and Economic Impact

The benefits of competitive gaming extend beyond growing global appreciation for a unique sport and the evolving online technology that created it. From MMORPGs and iGaming to special equipment and the...

4 Simple Ways to Make a MOD for PC Video Games

The video gaming world is getting exciting with each passing day. You can enjoy just about any game on your PC. The existence of console games has taken gaming to another...

Star Wars: The Old Republic Reaches A Huge Milestone

You don't need us to tell you that the value of the 'Star Wars' intellectual property is enormous. It would have been worth big money at any point in time, but...

Awesome Weapons in Online Games

Creative jaw-dropping weapons come in endless waves when it comes to online games. Not only are these weapons great to look at, but they are devastating as well! Think of it...

The Most Popular Games in 2010

Whatever genre you took in computer games (except, perhaps, an airplane control simulator), you would always find that it either came from a board game, or vice versa, spawned a whole...


The Impact Of Roblox And Steam On The Indie Game Industry

Selecting a platform for indie game creators can feel puzzling at times.  Roblox's popularity grew 86% over five years. Indie game­s hit stardom on Roblox...