Friday, February 7, 2025

SOE closing Vanguard, Clone Wars Adventures, Free Realms, and Wizardry Online

SOE, better known as Sony Online Entertainment, has announced that they are shuttering four MMOs over the next few months. Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures and Free Realms shut down March...

The Steam Machine, the Oculus Rift, and the MMO: CES 2014

CES is a giant gathering to showcase business and consumer technologies—so it’s no surprise that gaming hardware might make a splash at such as conference. This year, amidst a lot of...

MMORPG Showdown 8 Contenders and Predictions

You haven't missed it yet! All good ogres should rush down to the MMORPG Showdown 8 and look at what's on the table for this diverse and interesting throwdown-of-a-showdown. It's been...

It’s an Ogre Holidays Community Round Up

This week housed the Christmas and Yule holiday so many ogres have overfed themselves on roast boar and ate a Christmas tree—Ogreman himself even put a red stocking cap on his...

It’s Winter Time in the MMO World 2013

It’s the end of 2013 and winter has struck the northern hemisphere--as a result, every MMO out there is running their own winter celebration. Let’s take a look at a few of...

Star Trek Online Winter Holiday Event is Now Live!

Star Trek Online has just started 2013’s winter event with Q’s Winter Wonderland. As usual, meet Q in Earth Space Dock or in the First City on Qo’noS and ask to...

Neverwinter Preview News Round Up

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic’s MMORPG Neverwinter has become a favorite of the GameOgre Wednesday live stream and there’s been quite a bit of anticipation going down about updates coming to...

Hero of the Obelisk First Impressions

Cartoon-fantasy RPGs and dungeoneering collide in the upcoming title Hero of the Obelisk published by GBE Games--it’s an extremely cute, dungeon-instanced, MMORPG with elements borrowed from the hack-and-slash gaming genre. Add...


Mastering Online Games

Online games are a popular digital form of entertainment. The gaming platforms level up your overall gaming experience. These games are largely based on...