Unreal Tournament 2004 Cheats

Press ~ to drop down a console menu and enter the following cheats.

Infinite Health: god
Full Ammo: allammo
Add Bots (replace # with an actual number of bots): addbots #
All Weapons and Max Ammo: loaded
All Weapons and no Ammo: allweapons
Statistics for Audio: stat audio
Alters field of view (replace # with degrees): FOV #
Change Player Name (replace "name" with actual name): setname (name)
Set Resolution and Color (replace numbers as desired): setres 1280x1024x32
Change Teams: switchteam
First Person View: behindview 0
Third Person View: behindview 1
Kill Yourself: suicide
Display Stats: stat all
Turn Stat Display Off: stat none
Exit Game: quit
Exit Game: exit
Stop Time: playersonly
Display Game Statistics: stat game
Kill Bots: killbots
Display Network Statistics: stat net
Toggle Full Screen and Window Mode: togglefullscreen
Disable Clipping and Gravity: ghost
Enable Fly Mode: fly
Disable Fly Mode: walk
Teleport to Crosshairs: teleport
Open Map (replace "mapname" with the actual name of the map): open (mapname)
Change Gravity Setting (replace # with an actual number): setgravity #
Change Jump Height (replace # with an actual number): setjumpz #
Change Gameplay Speed (replace # with an actual number): setspeed #
Display Frames Per Second Stats: stat fps
Set Slow Motion (replace # with an actual number): slowmo #

Spawn Redeemer: summon xweapons.redeemerpickup
Spawn Assault Rifle: summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup
Spawn Avril: summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup
Spawn Bio Rifle: summon xweapons.bioriflepickup
Spawn Flak Cannon: summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup
Spawn Grenade Launcher: summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup
Spawn Ion Painter: summon xweapons.painterpickup
Spawn Lightning Gun: summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup
Spawn Link Gun: summon xweapons.linkgunpickup
Spawn Mine Layer: summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup
Spawn Minigun: summon xweapons.minigunpickup
Spawn Rocket Launcher: summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup
Spawn Shield Gun: summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup
Spawn Shock Rifle: summon xweapons.shockriflepickup
Spawn Sniper Rifle: summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup
Spawn Goliath: summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank
Spawn Hellbender: summon Onslaught.ONSPRV
Spawn Instant Kill Shock Rifle: summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup
Spawn Manta: summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike
Spawn Raptro: summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft
Spawn Scorpion: summon Onslaught.ONSRV

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