Don’t worry, Fortnite isn’t going anywhere

Recently, #RIPFortnite has been trending. However, there isn’t a single reason for all the uproar. It’s just being used as a general catch-all tag for various complaints. So should you be worried about your Fortnite items or account? Is the game really about to die? Let’s find out!

Common Complaints

This trend may have been started by the ‘Skill-Based Matchmaking’ feature. Yet, there are a few other things that fans have been complaining about as well. We’ll be listing a few, as well as what may be a good solution to fix them.

Skill-Based Matchmaking

Though it has been around for almost half a year, many players have been complaining about it. It’s supposed to make the players grow, to rise above similarly-skilled opponents. A boon for competitive and pro players, it alienated the casual ones, arguably the majority of the player base.

If Epic Games really want to keep the feature, at least have the option to turn it off. Otherwise, you should be able to choose whether you want to play casual or competitive. The former would have fewer restrictions and no SBMM, while the latter is a more challenging mode.

Cross-Play Conundrum

Cross-platform play is a good idea for bringing people together. You can play Fortnite Battle Royale with a friend, even if your consoles don’t match. The problem is that controllers aren’t necessarily equal to the keyboard and mouse combo. Controller-users (even the ones on PC) have aim-assist, which to keyboard+mouse users look like a cheat or hack. Shooters are harder when using a controller, making the use of aim-assist a necessity. However, when that assistance lets players become too accurate, that’s when it starts becoming more of a crutch.

A solution would be to tweak the settings of the aim-assist. Make it more of an assist rather than something that aims for you. Otherwise, make 100% aim-assist inaccessible. Have the maximum at maybe 75-80%.


Fortnite used to have only one rival, PUBG. Now, they have other battle royale games such as Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone to contend with. Each of those games has a unique take on the genre, so it’s more like picking which flavor of ice cream to eat.

Epic Games better step up with the interesting BR story/update content. That way, they can keep the player base happy and won’t switch to another game.

The Lockdown

Another problem could be due to the lockdown policies implemented to avoid the virus from going around. Employees working at home may not have all the resources their office provides, resulting in poorer quality of updates and slower fixes. Even if they want to address or fix issues in the game, there’s only so much they can do given the current situation.

Adding to that are all the players stuck at home. Without school or work, servers are filled to the brim. That causes all kinds of problems, from intense lag to not being able to connect to a game at all.

There’s no real solution to this one short of waiting until it’s safe enough to go back outside. You can still have fun playing the game with its current problems as long as you still find something you enjoy about it. It’s all about perspectives.

With that thought, you should view #RIPFortnite as an avenue for complaints and let Epic Games know what to improve on. The game’s not going anywhere, so don’t worry! Just keep on enjoying the game and all the wacky stuff in the Fortnite item shop, whether you’re playing on PC, or the Fortnite Android app.

Keep on playing and having fun in Fortnite!


  1. Every game during it’s existence will experience a situation like this. “This game is dead” players shout and developers are like “What are you talking about?”. These kinds of situations attend to be exaggerated most of the time when a game is very popular.

    Heromanguy12 did not rate this post.
  2. I think there are a bunch of random things that trend on Twitter (some are expected, but others tend to be unusual), and sometimes certain things trend to garner attention, cause virality, bash a game franchise, create some form of activism, etc.; it’s just part of Twitter’s strange and broken ecosystem and their poorly implemented algorithm.

    Like for instance, the moment someone sees “#RIPFortnite” trending in their country, you’ll have opponents saying stuff like, “What do you mean #RIPFortnite?” or “There isn’t a #RIPFortnite” and those hashtags, even though they’re being used in opposition, just feed the Twitter algorithm more and create a cascading effect, and eventually the hashtag starts trending worldwide.

    Snowy did not rate this post.

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