This forum game is being added for Halloween! Time will tell if it stays or not. This game is very simple, you either roll a 3 to avoid being...
To celebrate this holiday anybody who rolls a 14 today (one day only) in any of the stuck forum games, gets a Red Moglin! This is even eligible...
Since we apparently skipped Ogremas for last year for the first time since it began in 2012, lets make it into a game for this year:). You can...
In honor of Thanksgiving, this is a new Forum Game:). Club a zombie turkey for the Ogre's Feast and win 400 forum points! Rules: 1. Roll only...
This is GameOgre's party thread until after Ogremas:). You can wish each other Happy Ogremas, write a wishlist, post holiday pics, or exchange...
It is that time again, Ogremas (Christmas):). it is also the first Ogremas on the Xenforo forum. To spread the Ogremas cheer, all you have to is...
50 points for saying Trick or Treat via Text or a picture. A Halloween Themed Avatar saying Trick or Treat is 100 points. The best picture wins...
Post your favorite egg or basket here:). Will name the best picture in each for 500 forum points. We may also can try the Easter egg hunt again...
Well, believe or not, but this forum has been around for over seven years now:). Want to thank all the members of the years for their...
It is that time again, Ogremas (Christmas):). To spread the Ogremas cheer, all you have to is wish the other Ogres a Happy Holidays. Ogremas,...
Happy Thanksgiving from everybody here at Everybody who posts "Happy Ogre Feast or Thanksgiving" will receive 50 Points. Anybody...'s Forum is now six years old:). That said, the community is celebrating in this thread. When the party starts (thread is open) you...
Happy Thanksgiving from everybody here at Everybody who posts " Happy Ogre Feast or Thanksgiving will receive 50 Points. Anybody...
50 points for saying Trick or Treat via Text or a picture. A Halloween Themed Avatar and saying Trick or Treat is 100 points. The best picture...
GameOgre Forums turned 5 two days ago on March 30th... so we are a tad late here lol but that doesn't mean we can't still have a party! Join me in...
Happy Valentine's Day from Like last year, all members who post the one game they love the most in this thread will receive...
To refresh my memory again:), what have we done for Valentine's day over the years and does somebody want to do something this year?
Ogremas Scavenger Hunt begins now. Post in this thread if you find it with link, around 140 icons hid in various threads. You are looking for...