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Confusing Moments in AQ3D

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by Snowy, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. Pinkyz

    Pinkyz Banned

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    Yeah now when players ask for guidance I dont comment because back then it was just go to greenguard as a lvl 8 now they have Tree World doomwood new areas but i see why some players arent allowed to travel there its a rrequirements.bavk when the lvl cap was only 15 and there was 4 maps with small amounts of quest it was easy to know where your going but now theres new areas you have to unlock
  2. PerHalvor123

    PerHalvor123 Brute New Ogre

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    I whispered to one guy once and didnt know how to “un-whisper” lol. Do i just went on talking to that guy for a long time until he told me I need to oress “general” to type publicly again
  3. Ylber

    Ylber Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

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    A confusing moment was when I did the Exotic Creature Capture quest from the Pet shop for the frist time. You need to kill the voidling from world tree and the arrow from the quest bar tells me to go east when I join the world tree map. Then I followed the steps and it said I was standing on the spot but the enemy wasn't there. Then I suddenly realized that the enemy had not spawned yet and once it spawned it the arrow showed me the right location.

    Another moment was when I was standing on the right spot for a quest, but on the wrong floor lol. Think that was in darkovia castle.
  4. I think the quest arrows are fixed now... they should automatically update whenever the Voidling spawns.

    If there's anything confusing in recent times, I'd say the 'Nature vs Nurture' quest for the Unicorn pet. The game tells you one of the quest requirements is 10 Brownies (which could imply the name of the monster or the name of the item you're supposed to collect), so your first assumption is to kill the Sneevils with that name, and you farm for hours thinking it's a super-rare quest drop. But after a while, you learn that there's a disambiguation and that the goal of the quest is to collect 10 Brownies (Transformation), not kill 10 Brownies (Monster). It's easy to make that mistake, because the other quest requirement requires you to kill a Unicorn 20 times, so "killing monsters" becomes ingrained in your mind.
    Ylber likes this.
  5. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

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    Well, you need to kill Brownies to craft Brownies so it's just an extra step.

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