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Gaming Blog
Published by Mayonnaise in the blog Mayonnaise's blog. Views: 706
Hi everyone, this is my first time writing for blog posts. So basically, this is all new to me, sharing life happenings, hobbies, likings etc. etc. Will be the focus of my blogs.
But mostly, i will focus on games and my experiences. Because GameOgre is a gaming community c:
I will tell you how I ended up in the gamer category of humans haha. When I was a kid, there are only few or no times at all that I can get out and play with friends and neighbors. I can only play with my elder brother often. He was 13 back then and I was 11.
He had this games and consoles that I am curious about. I only play with my cats and sometimes watch movies. By movies I mean kiddy movies. And oh, TV shows too. When I go to school, i dont have enough time for playground cos my parents are always on time fetching me. So yup, i got curiious with my brother's toys, and so i asked him if i could try playing those, at first he didnt want me to. He thought that I would probably be all clumsy sluggish and would end up breaking his toys.
I was still curious so i kept on bugging him. The day I finally had the chance to play was when he is playing FamiCom.
I dont know how to play the game. There were varieties of games if i remember correctly. He played with me. Like the classic player 1 and Player 2.
It was fun gettijg the hang of Ice Climber. Etc etc. So that's how i got myself into gaming.
Side story : i grew up not fond of playing dolls (as every girl would be doing)
I'm creeped out whenever i see dolls. I don't mind the plushies. But the human dolls.. They are... So muchy creepy :c
I blame that Chuckie movie :3
Well anyways, i hope you enjoyed my short story. c:
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