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Rusty Hearts

Discussion in 'Perfect World' started by Aaddron, Sep 16, 2011.

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  1. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Release Date - NA, Open Beta 9/13/2011 (Anyone Can Play)

    Rusty Hearts is an anime Action MMORPG following in the footsteps of popular online and console games such as Lunia, Castlevania, Diablo and Persona. Developed by Stairway Games and published by Perfect World Entertainment.

    Official Website - Rusty Hearts - Free Multiplayer Hack & Slash

    Official GameOgre Rusty Hearts Meetup


    Rusty Hearts First Impressions
    Rusty Hearts vs. Dragon Nest: Which would you play?
    GameOgre Review Directory - Rusty Hearts

    News and Info

    Rusty Hearts Open Beta Is Now Live with New Trailer!


    Rusty Hearts Launch Trailer
    Rusty Hearts - The E3 Experience
    Rusty Hearts - PAX Walkthrough Video
    Rusty Hearts - PAX Wrap Up

    Dev Diaries

    Rusty Hearts - Core Mechanics Dev Diary
    Rusty Hearts - Dev Diary - PvP
    Rusty Hearts - Developer Diary 3 - Game Art
    Rusty Hearts - Developer Diary - Boss Fights
    Rusty Hearts - Developer Diary - Combo Play




    A gloomy man from the start, Frantz Kruger's life took a turn for the worse when he was bitten by a vampire.

    Unable to resist the temptation, he bit just one person. Instead of letting the blood complete his transformation, Frantz used the blood and the force of his own will to halt the process. He now exists as a creature trapped in limbo between human and monstrosity. As a side-effect of his condition, he suffers from chronic anemia and insomnia, giving him and ashen appearance and a sullen, sarcastic disposition.



    In this day and age, every young gentleman is expected to know something of swordplay. In Frantz's hands, however, the classic weapon becomes a deadly blur of razor-sharp steel. Lacking in range, using this weapon requires Frantz to be quick on his feet. In battle, he supplements his swordsmanship with dark magic granted by his vampiric blood.


    When fighting an uncivilized enemy, sometimes a civilized weapon just won't get the job done. For this reason, Frantz has trained with massive axes that split his monstrous opponents in two with single strokes. Though not as fast as his sword, Frantz's axe makes up for the difference with the raw power and range of his attacks. He also employs some rather unorthodox techniques in which he throws the colossal weapon toward his foes like other men would throw darts



    Deep in the Fog Forest of Rumania lies a small village. This village has survived for hundreds of years under the protection of the witches who are trained there.

    Now, in these dark times, a young witch apprentice named Angela has been sent to Bramunez to aid in the siege on Curtis Castle. To gain the power she would need to survive the coming conflict, Angela fused her soul with that of Graestra, an ancient blade possessed by an evil spirit. This turned her hair red and spiky, as well as granting her the sorceress abilities of a witch many times her age.

    Angela is foul-mouthed and tough, but a bit naïve, having been raised in a small village in the forest her entire life. Still, no one can match her powerful spells.


    Magic Sword

    This wicked looking blade is Graestra's original form, though it shifts and grows as Angela becomes more skilled with it. The Magic Sword form is hard hitting but slow and has a short range. Its real power is its effect on Angela's own magic. She can summon fire and orbs of arcane energy to blast all who stand in her way. As Angela grows in power, she can master all the elements, heal her allies and even learn some abilities Vlad's own minions use against her.

    Magic Scythe

    It has been a long time since Graestra tasted blood and thought of doing battle with the countless minions of Vlad within the halls of Curtis Castle has the spirit bound within the blade absolutely giddy. If Angela will allow it, the spirit's bloodlust will manifest in the weapon of death itself, a large and wicked scythe. Slower even than the Magic Sword form, Graestra's scythe form trades magical superiority for long range, brutal attacks. The weapon seems to have a will of its own as it leaps from Angela's hand to seek out new prey. This weapon form makes Angela's spells more violent, but less precise, and has fewer support or healing abilities.



    A lifelong wanderer, Tude Macleod was attacked by a wolf in his travels. He managed to fend the beast off but not after it broke off one of its huge teeth inside his chest.

    Before long, Tude discovered that the wolf's bite and its tooth were having an effect on his body. His arm turned into a wicked claw that he keeps hidden within a bulky gauntlet. He was traveling from town to town to avoid arousing suspicion when he stumbled into Bramunez on a whim. In a serious case of wrong place at the wrong time, Tude was sealed within Curtis Castle when the Golden Seal team erected the barriers to trap Vlad inside.

    He joins up with Frantz and Angela once they enter the main levels of Curtis Castle (although you may play as Tude from the beginning of the adventure).



    At a young age Tude learned that the only weapon you can trust completely is your own fist. Or your foot, knee, elbow or any other part of you that can break a bone or bloody a nose. Since his encounter with the ancient wolf, his style of in-your-face combat has only grown more vicious. Tude's gauntlet is the fastest weapon on the Golden Seal team, able to uppercut enemies into the air and kill them twice before they hit the ground. It is an extremely short range weapon, and Tude wouldn't have it any other way. He never had the patience for all that magic stuff, anyway. In combat, he is the perfect combination of man and beast; ducking and weaving like a boxer before pouncing like a ravenous wolf.


    After seeing what Vlad's minions are capable of, Tude has the option of choosing a weapon that more suits his animalistic tendencies. His claw sacrifices the quick and precise strikes of the gauntlet in favor of wide, reaping arcs of razor-edged death. Although slower and much bulkier than the gauntlet, the claw has the ability to charge up even its most basic attack in order to unleash a frenzy of strikes against all foes that stand in Tude's way. As with the gauntlet, the claw abilities favor close combat strikes and charging attacks over fancy spells.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2011
  2. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2011
  3. Aaddron

    Aaddron Moderator Staff Member GameOgre Moderator

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    Rusty Hearts is now on Steam
  4. Supernatural

    Supernatural LiveStreamer Ogre Veteran

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    They again blocked it on EU steam, i really don't know why are they doing this, we can play the game just fine without the steam eather....
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