For more than two decades, Valve has kept First-Person Shooter games enthusiasts on their toes by providing fast-paced non-stop action with their brainchild Counter-Strike, which over time proved to be a masterpiece. In the process, the game developer has accrued a massive global player base most game developers can only dream of.

Throughout its existence, the game has set records and later broken them, setting standards and becoming an industry leader in multiplayer tactical shooter games. CS:GO has also taken the esports fraternity by storm, attracting millions of players in the game every day with popular esports platforms receiving an unbelievably high number of ggbet csgo matches every day.

In line with Valve’s mantra of continuous improvements and innovations to the game, CS:GO in its current form seeks to pave the way to a better and improved version that Valve has christened CS2 expected to be released later this month. If you are joining the Counter-Strike fraternity now, there is a beautiful history of how the game has evolved to what it is today. Here is all you need to know even as you take a seat and make yourself comfortable among the Counter-Strike faithful.

How the Gameplay Works

Counter-Strike is a pioneer in the tactical shooter games genre. It is currently a five-on-five round-based shooter, with the two opposing sides aiming to obliterate the other and obtain specific objectives to try and end a round in their favor. The two sides are a terrorist side and an anti-terrorist side, with the terrorist side looking to plant a bomb at either of the two predetermined bomb sites and defend it as time ticks down.

The anti-terrorist side on its part aims to stop the bomb from being planted, and in case it is planted, they fight to diffuse it before time runs out. Regardless of the outcome, the situation resets until one team wins 16 rounds.

In each round, players are rewarded with money for accomplishments such as kills, achieving objectives, and winning a round. They can then use this money to purchase weapons and other equipment for the next round to try and get a tactical advantage over their opponents. Players can choose to apply strategies they deem fit like purchasing inferior weapons and saving up their money for later rounds where superior weapons may come in handy.

History of Counter-Strike

The first version of CS can be traced back to 1999 when the game was first developed. The game was completely different from how we know it today and was only a PC game. But it’s the potential it carried that made Valve purchase the rights to it in 2000 which turned out to be a much needed-breath of fresh air.

The move to consoles in 2003 was the master stroke that caught the collective attention of the gaming world announcing to the world that there was a new sheriff in town and he meant business. This was a shot in the arm for the developer as more players flocked to get a piece of the sensational new kid on the block.

In 2004, Valve made a controversial move and split the game into two versions after creating a new Source Engine. With the split, the players were also split into two bases with one base remaining loyal to the original version and the other moving to the new Source version. There were major gameplay differences on the two versions but this didn’t stop either from attracting large player bases and competitive tournaments.

It was until 2012 that this was settled with the launch of CS:GO which still ran on the Source Engine. Right from its inception, CS:GO was designed to usher CS players into a new era of gaming with improved graphics and development capabilities that have seen the game reach unprecedented and previously not thought-of heights in the world of esports. To date, the game enjoys immense popularity with a record-breaking number of players and spectators across the globe.

CS:GO Esports

The popularity of the game has created esports opportunities with numerous esports markets. A thriving esports ecosystem has developed with players tapping into it with daily games and bonuses on matches. Apart from playing and watching, as a CS:GO enthusiast you can predict occurrences in the matches.

Over time CS:GO has established itself as a leader in esports and boasts the most competitive esports players in the world. This together with the numerous markets it provides for esports tournaments, has made the game the favorite for most esports players. Try this out by visiting and enjoy CS:GO esports like the royalty you are.

CS:GO the Most Developed Esport of All Time

With its huge player base and history spanning two decades, CS:GO has emerged as the most established and most developed esport of our time. The game through Valve and its third-party associates hosts international tournaments attracting millions in both prize money and following. The majors hosted twice a year are the biggest attractions in the CS:GO calendar. Winning one of them can be compared to winning a world championship in other esports, and it’s the largest feat a CS:GO player can ever dream of.

Participation in the majors and other international tournaments is by country. Currently, Europe dominates other regions in the world with the most number of top pro players. Countries like France and Russia have lots of representation at the top level of the game. North America and their South American counterparts have also been a force to reckon with.

The announcement by Valve on the launch of the new Counter-Strike version CS2, has thrown gamers into fever pitch frenzy in anticipation of what industry experts are describing as a game that is way ahead of its time. The game’s player count has been at an all-time high with more than 1 million players logging in every day as the release date for CS2 fast approaches. The game will run on Valve’s Source 2 Engine and will feature lots of new content including graphics and gameplay changes. In the meantime, all we can do is wait with bated breath for the release date and see what the new game holds for us.