Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Neverwinter Nights Cheats

Cheats for one of the most innovative RPGs ever. To enable Neverwinter Nights cheats you will need to hit the tilde (Shift + ~) key and type in "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive)....

Ghost Recon Cheats

A few type-in codes for this tactical shooter. Cheats must be typed into the game console. To activate the console press the enter key on your num pad Cheat Result ...

Age of Mythology Cheats

Type-in codes for this real time strategy blockbuster. During the game press ENTER then enter a cheat below. Press ENTER again to activate: Note: Codes are case sensitive THRILL OF VICTORY - Win...

Unreal Championship Hints and Cheats

Hints and strategies for the Xbox' answer to the PC's Unreal Tournament. Wall Jump: If there is a wall is to your right jump up and to the right then jump off the...

Frozen Throne Cheats

Codes: To use these cheats press the enter key and type in the code. To activate the cheat simply press enter again. iseedeadpeople = see the entire map allyourbasebelongtous = instant victory somebodysetusupthebomb =...

Rune Cheats

Bring up the console with the ~ (tilde) key or the engine command line with the TAB key and type: Code Result ---------------------------------- CHEATPLEASE - Enable Cheat Mode GOD - God Mode GHOST - No Clipping FLY -...

Whacked Cheats

Some simple cheats for this weird action game. All Weapons And FMV Sequences: Enter TIMEFORCHAOS as a profile name in Gameshow mode. All Characters And FMV Sequences: Enter DOUBLEDOUBLE as a profile...

Unreal Tournament Cheats and Strategies

Multiplayer Cheats: ------------------ To activate the cheat mode in multiplayer do its Multiplayer -> Start New Multiplayer Game -> Server Then where search the words Admin Password After you found the this write there a password...

Half-Life Tips

A few tips for the shooter that spawned multiplayer mayhem. You Are Not Alone: You're not the only one fighting aliens; the commandos are too. If you find yourself in...


The Fastest Way to Max Heroes in Clash of Clans

This article will dive into the secrets of maximizing hero upgrades in Clash of Clans. By focusing on efficient farming strategies and resource collection,...

Mastering Online Games