Sunday, May 5, 2024

Spirit Tales First Impressions

Released by Koramgame and X-Legend, Spirit Tales is appropriately dubbed “the cutest fantasy game ever!” delivers a lot of simple, cute gameplay for players to transform themselves into child-like people who...

Wizardry Online First Impressions

Are you itching for a game that punishes players for failure in a fashion that MMOs rarely do--a truly almost-hardcore aspect? How about rushing into dungeons, crawling over ruin and skeletons,...

Star Supremacy First Impressions

If you’ve ever enjoyed Master of Orion, then you probably know part of what to expect from a game like Star Supremacy. Developed by the long-winded Suzhou Barbily Information Technology Co.,...

R2 Online First Impressions

It’s time for another Asian-styled knights-and-demons style MMO and R2 Online fits the bill nicely. R2 Online is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG published Webzen, Inc. that recently went into beta. It...

World of Tanks Review: Farewell, Ensk, I knew thee well…

World of Tanks is a brilliant free-to-play, arcade-styled, squad-based World War II tank sim MMO game developed and published by and runs atop the BigWorld MMO Technology suite. Since its...

Prius Online First Impressions

Formerly Anima Online and published in Asia in 2009, Prius Online comes to us with a great deal of foundation already set in place as it has two years of stability...

Eden Eternal First Impressions

Coming into closed beta, Eden Eternal is the newest property developed for publisher Aeria Games. The developer, X-Legend, is best known for their previous two titles which are Grand Fantasia and...

WoWp: What the little ones are made of

World of Warplanes follows the logic of other Wargaming games and probably a few other MMO's out there, that have the player start on a low tier and move up through...

Winter is Coming: A 2014 guide to seasonal events in the MMO community

Across most MMO games, winter is perhaps the best-celebrated seasonal event, especially for the gaming community who live in the northern hemisphere. In the more northern climes, winter means a brisk...


Why Gamers Should Use a VPN

When gaming online, surprisingly, there are a lot of ways you can leave yourself open to cyber attacks. Whether this is a direct attack...