Thanks to several recent studies, we now know that online gaming can actually help students with personal growth in a number of different ways.

These in-depth studies challenge the idea that online gaming is purely for leisure and that there is a danger of it being something of a timewaster when viewed from an educational point of view.

Below, we explore some of the ways in which online gaming can contribute to personal growth for students of all ages.

Developing Social Skills

The social potential of online gaming is one of the industry’s most obvious benefits.

This means that students who play online games can develop social skills such as the resolution of conflict, teamwork, and communication.

A great example of how this works is the popular multiplayer game World of Warcraft. Here, players must work together to complete specific quests and defeat common enemies.

Such a feat requires effective collaboration and communication, not to mention the resolution of possible conflicts that may arise among team members.

What’s more, online gaming communities, can be a great way for students to make new friends and connect with people who share similar interests – even across cultures and borders.

This can obviously be exceptionally valuable for students who struggle with being social in everyday settings.

Encouraging Persistence

Online gaming also helps to encourage persistence and determination in students.

Many online games require players to fail multiple times before they can succeed at a mission. This cultivates perseverance in the face of perceived failure. It also helps to develop a sense of determination and resilience.

An example of such a game is Dark Souls. Players may “die” multiple times before they are permitted to progress to the next mission or task.

While this can seem frustrating, it teaches students to keep on trying and to learn from their mistakes.

It can also help to foster a mindset of wanting to grow. Essentially, this is a belief that abilities and even intelligence can be developed through dedication, commitment, and hard work.

Fostering Creativity

Online gaming is well known to foster creativity – also in students.

This is because many online gaming titles allow players to create their own content – for example, custom maps, skins, and mods.

This feature can encourage students to think outside the box.

A good example is a game like Minecraft. Players can create their own worlds and structures using a wide variety of different materials. This, too, encourages creativity as well as imagination.

Players are given the freedom to build whatever they can create in their imaginations.

Teaching Time Management

Another great benefit of online gaming is that it can also help to teach students valuable prioritization and time management skills.

Games often require players to balance several tasks at the same time, as well as objectives, to succeed and progress.

This can be a fantastic learning tool to help students to prioritize their time and manage their workload.

It Can Relieve Stress

Stress is a common issue among students. This can lead to a negative impact on their academic performance as well as their overall well-being.

Online gaming is one of the many powerful ways to relieve stress. Here’s how it works:

  • Online gaming encourages mindfulness. Many online games have a calming and even meditative quality, which can help to lower stress levels and sooth frayed nerves.
  • It provides a sense of control. When students are playing a game online, they are (and feel) in control of the outcome. This can be both empowering and reassuring.
  • Lowering stress by providing social support. Many online games feature a strong community aspect. This can provide students with a much-needed sense of connection and belonging. A good example of such a game is League of Legends.

Improved Academic Performance

Online gaming can help improve academic performance in students in numerous ways:

  • It can improve cognitive functioning. Cognitive skills like spatial awareness, memory retention, and problem-solving are all vital for achieving academic success.
  • It can enhance learning retention. Games require players to memorise info, learn new skills, and follow instructions. These skills can be transferred to academic subjects, thereby helping students to retain information more effectively. Examples of educational games include Word Munchers and Math Blaster. These games help students to retain language and math skills.
  • Online gaming can encourage discipline. Many games require players to set specific goals, manage their time efficiently, and develop a disciplined approach to reaching and achieving their objectives. These skills are super important for academic success. Self-discipline is arguably one of the most important character traits to cultivate on purpose.

Interpersonal Communication

The notion that online gaming is a solitary activity could not be further from the truth. Even if you’re playing online pokies, there’s a chance to interact with other players in forums or live chats.

Research has shown that online gaming can greatly improve intercommunication skills in students.

Firstly, online gaming can help players to build relationships with their fellow-players.

Through online gaming, students can build relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds. This can help to improve their interpersonal communication skills.

Online gaming can also help students develop communication strategies that they can apply to everyday real-life situations. By learning to communicate effectively with others, particularly in high-pressure situations, students can better prepare themselves for the workplace.

Another benefit of online gaming is that it can enhance empathy and a sense of understanding.

By interacting with players from other backgrounds, students can improve their own understanding of others and build their empathy skills.

Achievement Gained

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, our ultimate need as humans is self-actualisation.

By the same token, students need to feel respected and expected to accomplish achievements.

Online gaming blurs the line between physical and virtual reality by inviting the player to join a much more immersive and personalised environment. This can result in a quick and convenient way for students to gain a sense of achievement.

When playing online, students are given the opportunity to overcome shortcomings in the game world. This creates a clear self-awareness that is often projected in the real world.