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Ogre Game Freedom Event

Discussion in 'Forum Events' started by ogreman, Feb 4, 2019.

Thread Status:
Not open for further replies.
  1. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    This GameOgre Forum Event will consist of the usual items, but will also focus on Ogre games like Ogre Bowl, the new permanent Blue Ogre form, and a theme that involves freeing a Blue Ogre!


    February 5, 2019 to April 8, 2019


    Top 10 Members Will Win Prizes.

    1st Place: Choice of $10 Card or Counterstrike:GO or 30,000 Forum Points
    2nd Place: 20,000 Forum Points or 20K Game
    3rd Place: 15,000 Forum Points
    4th Place: 10,000 Forum Points
    5th Place: 5000 Forum Points
    6th Place: 3500 Forum Points
    7th Place: 2500 Forum Points
    8th Place 2000 Forum Points

    Iron Ogre Award (Most Consistent): Medal and choice of 1 AQ3D Item


    1. Post here to join this event.
    2. You have to post in the thread whatever you did to earn points.
    3. Extra comments will be removed from this event. Negative comments, questions, or announcements could result in penalties.
    4. Content such as posts and reviews must be original.
    5. Please provide the link to the threads on post items.
    6. Everybody has only 2 saves during the Event to maintain streaks for steady bonuses.
    7. Participation in this Event is the main way to become a Royal Ogre.
    8. Prizes can be in increased if the total participation of the Event rises.
    9. Anybody who makes it to the very end of the Event will receive a 20% Event point bonus and have a chance at the Iron Ogre medal.
    10. Anybody ranked 2nd to 6th (First only has this option if they choose points over cards) will double on top of the Elite Ogre medal if that is activated.

    Point System:

    Joining Ogre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    Winning Ogre Jail Break = 10,000 Points

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like Attack of the Number One = 250 Points

    5 Posts in Battle Royales = 400 Points

    Joining Ogre Battle Royal = 250 Points

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    Winning Ogre Battle Royal = 500 Points

    Having a duel at Big Blue Ogre Duels = 100 Points

    Joining Spiked Crown Tournament = 1000 Points

    Winning Spiked Crown Tournament = 2500 Points

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day

    Issuing a challenge in Ogre Wars at Ogre Wars Challenges = 100 Points (only one allowed until accepted or declined)

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 Points

    Winning an Ogre Wars battle = 500 Points

    Winning the Warlord championship and medal = 1000 Points

    Winning the Ogre Wars championship (first nation to 20 total victories) = 5000 Points per active member

    Attending an AQ3D Ogre Adventure = 2000 Points (List the username used when claiming this).


    Attending an AQ3D Ogre Adventure with the Smashinator = 3000 Points (List the username used when claiming this).

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day

    Buying a Steam Game from Shop – Turn In Points For Games, & More! = 1000 points

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points

    1 New Thread in any Forum = 100 points (3 max per day)

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 points (Limit 4 per day)

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 300 Points

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily)

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    Setting a new high score in the new XF Forum Arcade = 100 Points (Limit 4 per day on different games)

    Reviewing any game = 200 (only five times per day) Possible Points

    Rating five games = 100 Possible Points

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50 Points

    Answering a game request accurately = 100 Points (only twice per day)

    Posting a thread about a Steam Game that is at least 50% in Budget Gaming = 45 Points (only twice per day)

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points

    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)

    Voting and commenting on a game battles at Online Game Battles - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 50 Points (Limit 5 per day)

    5 Posts in Best and Worst Games = 200 Points

    Asking a Trivia Question while processing the last one (for those who run trivia) = 150 points

    Blog post at Blogs | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points

    Item Bonuses:

    Participation in at least three current contests or mini-contests = 100 Points

    Winning another contest or mini-contest = 250 Points

    Participating in MMO Review Spotlight = 250 Points

    Participating in a Review Contest = 1000 Points (one time)

    Winning a Review Contest = 1500 Points

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points (once)
    Linking at least ten post items (45 links+) in one day = 200 Points (once)

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Catching or winning a Moglin = 1000 Points per Moglin (once per Moglin)

    Steady Bonuses:

    Posting at least 200 points a day for 7 straight days unlocks 1000 extra points

    Posting at least 200 points a day for 14 straight days unlocks 2000 extra points

    Posting at least 200 points a day for 30 straight days (1 month) unlocks 10,000 extra points

    Posting at least 200 points a day for 60 straight days (2 months) unlocks 20,000 extra points


    Stroik (10k)(20k) = 225,834 Points
    Heroman (10k)(20k) = 195,828 Points
    Mtv (1 Save)(10k)(20k) = 149,284 Points
    Snowy (10k)(20k) = 131,988 Points
    Crownknight (10k)(20k) = 101,140 Points
    Aerobous (2 Saves) = 46,160 Points
    Raffiel (2 Saves) = 39,180 Points
    Wilder = 4160 Points
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
  2. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like
    The City of the Iron Club= 250 Points

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 300 Points

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Issuing a challenge in Ogre Wars at Ogre Wars Challenges = 100 Points (only one allowed until accepted or declined)

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points

    Rollingdaily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The City of the Iron Club

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The City of the Iron Club
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!
    AQ3D Guild System
    Morph or Mount ? (AQ3D)
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    Items from other AE games you'd like to see in AQ3D?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Favorite Quotes
    Song of the day!
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    Why do you keep farming gold? What is your goal?
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Themed MMO Games
    Noteworthy Trends in Gaming
    Why Guilds & Clans Will Never Die
    Online Gaming Communities

    Item Bonuses

    Catching or winning a Moglin = 1000 Points per Moglin (once per Moglin)

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 5,080 points
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  3. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    There was a forum game specifically made for this Event. Here are the two items for it:

    Joining Ogre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    Winning Ogre Jail Break = 10,000 Points

    Both can be claimed once only.
  4. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 1

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    I'm back

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    JoiningOgre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like Attack of the Number One = 250 Points

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    total = 4130 points
  5. Day 1:

    Joining Ogre Jail Break = 1000 Points
    Ogre Jail Break

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like Attack of the Number One = 250 Points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    Aq3d legend never die - YouTube
    AQ3D Dragon Graveyard Parkour Speedrun #2 (My Best Time!!) - YouTube
    AQ3D| Farming Class Ranks, A Different Route! - YouTube
    AQ3D b - YouTube
    AQ3D Mouse Hole Parkour Speedrun #2 (My Best Time!!) - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 300 Points

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Altered Benjamin
    Play Car Flip
    Play Car Pool
    Play Chopper

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    The Kingdom of Battleon
    Class Ranks!

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 4,280 Points
  6. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1 part 1/2:

    Joining Ogre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like Attack of the Number One = 250 Points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Having a duel at Big Blue Ogre Duels = 100 Points
    Big Blue Ogre Duels

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Asking a Trivia Question while processing the last one (for those who run trivia) = 150 points
    AQ3D Trivia

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    Fudoh Fujimura (Ibuki) vs UYU NL (Cammy) - VSFighting 2018 - Top 8 Winners - SFV - CPT 2018

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each x 2 = 200 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Free MMORPG Trivia
    RuneScape Trivia

    1 New Thread in any Forum = 100 x 2 = 200 points (3 max per day)
    AQ3D How would you tier cross skills?
    What subreddits do you follow on Reddit?

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    your favourite pet ?
    AQ3D Q&A
    AQ3D Meetup Medal
    Class Ranks!
    The Kingdom of Battleon

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    From New Ogre to Royal Ogre Post Requirements
    Member of the Month Winners
    Forum Event Winners

    5 Posts in any forum at Online Games - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    Best MMOs of 2018 Awards
    Does anyone play Wizard101?
    What Free MMORPGs u usually played?
    What is your favourite race to play in Lord of the Rings Online? Poll

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Jail Break
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Ogre Bowl
    Find the Blue Moglin

    5 Posts in Best and Worst Games = 200 Points
    Game of the Month Winners
    The best Farming game u play?
    Best/favorite games and lists
    Top 5 single player games
    GameOgre.com Best Game of the Month for February

    5 Posts in MMORPG Videos = 250 Points
    OgreMedia Twitch Channel Livestream Official Thread
    top ten free mobile games
    Dragon Nest Videos
    Path of Exile: Delve Official Trailer
    Nintendo Labo

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Linking at least five post items (25 links+) in one day = 100 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    1 in 24 Survival v2
    1 Starship
    100 Meter Dash

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    Temporus Trolls Me AGAIN - Witchwood / Hearthstone - YouTube
    Whose Reno Reigns Supreme? - Witchwood / Hearthstone - YouTube
    Burn It All Down With Pyromancer! - Witchwood / Hearthstone - YouTube
    The Tess Greymane Rant - Witchwood / Hearthstone - YouTube
    The REALLY Long Shot Game - Witchwood / Hearthstone - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Twitch Streaming Elite
    All Major Game Titles Coming Out This February
    Lineage 2 Classic: Return of the Legendary MMORPG
    The Permanent Blue Ogre and The Ogreman Jailbreak

    Total: 5,280 points
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  7. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1 part 2/2:

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Joining the GameOgre Steam User Group = 300 Points

    Play Ogre Combat = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Bounce = 50 Points - One Use

    Play Ogre Siege = 50 Points - One Use

    Catching or winning a Moglin = 1000 Points per Moglin (once per Moglin)
    Blue Moglin

    Total: 1,950 points
    Total points: 5,280 + 1,950 = 7,230 points
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  8. Stroik

    Stroik Ogre Prince Ogre Veteran
    1. Gaming Community

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1:

    Joining Ogre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    Joining the Ogre Adventures RPG at Ogre Adventures RPG = 1000 Points

    Going on (joining) an Adventure like Attack of the Number One = 250 Points

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Attack of the Number One

    Joining a Nation in Ogre Wars with a roll or already being a player = 500 points

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 x3 = 600 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each (Limit 4 per day)
    AQ3D Trivia

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    AQ3D Trivia
    AQ3D How would you tier cross skills?
    your favourite pet ?
    AQ3D Class Discussion
    AQ3D Design Notes/News/Patch Notes

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Class Ranks!

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Catching or winning a Moglin = 1000 Points per Moglin x2 = 2000(once per Moglin)
    Red Moglin
    Gold Moglin

    Total: 6,130
    Pinkyz likes this.
  9. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 1:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,080 points! :)
  10. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  11. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 2

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    JoiningOgre Battle Royal = 250 Points

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    total =1730 points
  12. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 2

    JoiningOgre Jail Break = 1000 Points

    JoiningOgre Battle Royal = 250 Points

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Issuing a challenge in Ogre Wars at Ogre Wars Challenges = 100 Points (only one allowed until accepted or declined)

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points

    Rollingdaily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The City of the Iron Club

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The City of the Iron Club
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!
    AQ3D Guild System
    Morph or Mount ? (AQ3D)
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    Items from other AE games you'd like to see in AQ3D?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Favorite Quotes
    Song of the day!
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    Why do you keep farming gold? What is your goal?
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Twitch Streaming Elite
    All Major Game Titles Coming Out This February
    Lineage 2 Classic: Return of the Legendary MMORPG
    The Permanent Blue Ogre and The Ogreman Jailbreak

    Item Bonuses

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 3,420 points
  13. Day 2:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Joining Ogre Battle Royal = 250 Points

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    MartinSTEFF AQ3D Channel Trailer!! - YouTube
    AQ3D Ninja Class COMING This Week!! AdventureQuest 3D - YouTube
    AQ3D Ninja Class This Week!! - YouTube
    Jump Club 1998, YEAH!| AQ3D| ADVENTURE QUEST 3D| - YouTube
    The journey of the demon lord begins aq3d - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Answering a trivia question = 100 points each x2
    AQ3D Trivia
    Free MMORPG Trivia

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play 3D-Pool
    Play A Zombie Stole My Toaster
    Play Snake
    Play Taco-Fu

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    The Kingdom of Battleon
    Moglomancer Concept Art

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,630 Points
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  14. Heromanguy12

    Heromanguy12 Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 2:

    Joining Ogre Battle Royal = 250 Points
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Video on a competitive E-Sports match or one by GameOgre.com = 50
    CYG BST Daigo (Guile) vs NASR Big Bird (Zeku) - VSFighting 2018 - Top 8 Winners - SFV - CPT 2018

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    The Kingdom of Battleon
    Moglomancer Concept Art
    AQ3D Forum Mod
    AQ3D Class Discussion
    AQ3D Item Suggestions

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Funny Images
    Favorite Quotes
    AQ3D How would you tier cross skills?
    AQ3D Design Notes/News/Patch Notes
    Class Ranks!

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Ogre Jail Break
    Happy Ogremas!
    Zombie Turkey Hunt
    Ogre Bowl
    Find the Blue Moglin

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points (Max 4 times daily) 25 x 4 = 100 Points
    2 Ball Pool
    2 Deep v2
    1471 Renaissance (Timefighter)
    20,000 Feet And Falling

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250
    MIRROR LAB CLEARED!! Trump's Puzzle Quest #3 | The Boomsday Project | Hearthstone - YouTube
    DR. BOOMS' MIRROR CHALLENGE SOLVED!! Trump's Puzzle Quest #4 | The Boomsday Project | Hearthstone - YouTube
    BOARD CLEAR LAB CLEARED!! Trump's Puzzle Quest #5 | The Boomsday Project | Hearthstone - YouTube
    DR. BOOMS' BOARDCLEAR CHALLENGE SOLVED! Trump's Puzzle Quest #6 | The Boomsday Project | Hearthstone - YouTube
    SURVIVAL LAB CLEARED!! Trump's Puzzle Quest #7 | The Boomsday Project | Hearthstone - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    A comment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Are Video Game Prices About to Go Up?
    What Mobile Gaming Apps Are Popular?
    All About Gaming Engineers and How To Become One
    Everquest’s 12th Anniversary and Some Thoughts On MMORPGs

    Catching or winning a Moglin = 1000 Points per Moglin (once per Moglin)
    Gold Moglin

    Total: 3,030 points
  15. Stroik

    Stroik Ogre Prince Ogre Veteran
    1. Gaming Community

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 2:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Attack of the Number One

    Issuing a challenge in Ogre Wars at Ogre Wars Challenges = 100 Points (only one allowed until accepted or declined)

    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 x3 = 600 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Joining Ogre Battle Royal = 250 Points

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    AQ3D Q&A
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?
    Why do you keep farming gold? What is your goal?
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    Items from other AE games you'd like to see in AQ3D?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    AQ3D Guild System
    Funny Images
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,730
  16. Crownknight

    Crownknight Ogre Hall of Fame Royal Ogre

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 2:
    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 10 points per day
    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day
    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items)
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200
    Competing in an Ogre Wars battle = 200 (x2) = 400 points
    1,080 points! :)
  17. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
  18. a

    a Ogre Queen Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    day 3

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50x3 =150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 pointseach (Limit5 perday and not countable in other post items) 50x5 = 250 points
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls
    The Land of Dragons
    Ogre Wars Ironheads
    Ogre Wars Challenges
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (notcountingforum games) in a day =200Points(once)

    5 posts in any forum atGameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The Land of Dragons
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    total =1480 points
  19. Aerobous

    Aerobous Elite Ogre Ogre Veteran

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Day 3

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time

    Competing in an OgreWars battle = 200x3 =600 points
    Ogre Wars Challenges

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points

    Rollingdaily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The City of the Iron Club

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points per roll per day: 50 x 3 = 150 points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    5 posts in any forum at GameOgre.com - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 100 Points
    Happy Ogremas!
    The City of the Iron Club
    Blue Ogres and Moglins Event
    Find the Blue Moglin
    Zombie Turkey Hunt

    any forum at Game Forums - GameOgre.com Free MMORPG Forums = 150 Points
    [AQ3D] GameOgre future items!
    AQ3D Guild System
    Morph or Mount ? (AQ3D)
    what's new in aq(3d)?
    Items from other AE games you'd like to see in AQ3D?

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each (Limit 5 per day and not countable in other post items) 50 x 5 = 250 points
    Favorite Quotes
    Song of the day!
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D
    Why do you keep farming gold? What is your goal?
    What is the rarest item(s) that you have obtained?

    Acomment on the main site at GameOgre - Online Game Community in an article or arcade game = 75 x 4 = 300 points (Limit 4 per day)
    Are Video Game Prices About to Go Up?
    What Mobile Gaming Apps Are Popular?
    All About Gaming Engineers and How To Become One
    Everquest’s 12th Anniversary and Some Thoughts On MMORPGs

    Item Bonuses

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total points - 2,030 points
  20. Day 3:

    Rolling daily in the Ogre Adventures RPG = 50 Points
    The Land of Dragons

    Getting to a new phase or area in an adventure = 100 Points
    Phase 3

    Competing in Ogre Battle Royal = 100 Points per time
    Ogre Battle Royal #38

    Playing Ogre Wars = 50 points x3 = 150 Points
    Ogre Wars Ironheads

    Adding 5 game-related videos to Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 250 Points
    TH Plays: AQ3D - YouTube
    AQ3D How To Get Class Ranks FAST! AdventureQuest 3D - YouTube
    AQ3D-Gameplay Ep1! - YouTube
    How to get a pet dragon in aq3d - YouTube
    AQ3D Box Springs Parkour Speedrun #3 (My Best Time!!) - YouTube

    Being a top 3 contributor in Media | MMORPG and Online Game Forums = 50 points per day

    Playing any dice game on the forum besides Ogre Wars = 30 points per day
    Best Ogre Dice Rolls

    Playing a game at Arcade | MMORPG and Online Game Forums with a link to the game played = 25 Points x4 = 100 Points
    Play Aeroplane V32
    Play Cannibal Control
    Play Ninja Mouse
    Play Star Wars Saber Whack

    A post in any forum that is not Forum Games = 50 points each x5 = 250 Points
    Song of the day!
    Favorite Quotes
    Funny Images
    The Kingdom of Battleon
    What do you Expect after 5 years in AQ3D

    Item Bonuses:

    Claiming at least one 5-post item (not counting forum games) in a day = 200 Points (once)

    Total: 1,180 Points
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