Saturday, May 4, 2024

EverQuest Reviews & Info

Once nicknamed EverCrack due to the fact that it was so addictive EverQuest no longer reigns as the top MMORPG in America but the game still remains a leader in the...

MMORPG Game Reviews

The Ogre casts its critical eye over MMORPGs with short-but-to-the-point reviews. Each review measures a game's strengths and weaknesses in order to see which MMORPGs best fit gamers' diverse tastes. Top...

City of Heroes Reviews & Guides

Play a super hero in the original City of Heroes or play a super villain in the expansion/sequel. Players with both games can fight in good-versus-evil PVP. In addition players will...

Preview of the Week: AlterVerse

Prepare to cast off the shackles of a single universe by joining 3,000 brave pioneers in a quest to understand the nature of a mysterious portal. Amusingly reminiscent of every Ark-based...

Call of Alliance First Impressions

If you’re looking for a casual free-to-play RPG game that will run in a browser and you’re used to the Flash-based type of game that will virtually play itself, NGames just...

Shadow Kings: Dark Ages First Impressions

Looking for a free-to-play casual game that has you lording over a small city trying to assert itself in a world torn by orcs and bandits? Especially one that you can...

Neverwinter Tyranny of Dragons Expansion First Impressions

Recently, Neverwinter Online became host to a bunch of dragons, a new race called the Dragonborn, and a new class by way of the Scourge Warlock. The release concedes with a...

Swordsman Online First Impressions

The world of Swordsman Online is a different place, an ancient China filled with magical warriors who have honed their prowess with martial arts and self-discipline. Martial arts schools battle openly...

ArcheAge First Impressions

ArcheAge is an MMO published by the venerable and veteran Trion Worlds, whom we already know for producing Rift: The Planes of Telara and Defiance. The result is a game with...


Why Gamers Should Use a VPN

When gaming online, surprisingly, there are a lot of ways you can leave yourself open to cyber attacks. Whether this is a direct attack...