Tuesday, May 14, 2024

GDC Online 2011 GameOgre Recap

GDC (Game Developers Conference) Online 2011 in Austin, Texas has come and gone, but the gaming convention gave an important glimpse at many gaming trends going forward. Although Blizzard was in...

AlterVerse Takes Aim at MMO Greatness

AlterVerse is an upcoming virtual world/game platform that is going for the holy grail of massive online gaming: a world where players can essentially do anything together such as create, compete,...

eSports vs. MMORPGs: Which is the Better Starting Point?

If you’re looking to experience competitive gaming, there are two main categories that this falls into. The first is eSports, which you may have heard of. This is where professional gamers,...

Vampire Survivors Teaching Us That Less is More

If you were to only listen to the biggest developers and publishers out there, you’d be told that the only way to make a game is to reach for the stars....

What is #RIPFortnite All About?

Don't worry, Fortnite isn't going anywhere Recently, #RIPFortnite has been trending. However, there isn't a single reason for all the uproar. It's just being used as a general catch-all tag for various...

Video Game Knife FAQs

What is a video game knife? Knives come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors already, but video game knives take that a step further with being as outlandish as possible. Take...

Online and Mobile Gaming is the Present and Future of the Gaming Industry

The mobile technology is simply beginning to be what's shaping many industries out there. Definitely, the gaming industry is hand-in-hand with how mobile technology is evolving. It does appear that many...

The Social Side of Online Video Gaming: Connecting with Friends and Foes

Every day, millions of people around the world play online video games. Whatever the personal reasons for playing, the social aspect of gaming often holds the biggest appeal for many people....

Ghost of Tsushima: A Brief Review

There's been a long-standing desire to see a brilliant take on feudal Japan since open-world cloak and dagger franchises began hopping from historical Jerusalem to Ancient Greece and beyond. With Ghost...


Unleashing the Gamer Within: Exploring the World of Unblocked Games

Introduction In the digital age, gaming has evolved from a niche hobby to a global phenomenon. However, for many avid gamers, accessing their favorite titles...