EverQuest Tips

A small collection of old tips and tricks for EverQuest without the expansions. When you see an NPC deliver a phrase in brackets ([like this]), you need to repeat that phrase to get more information. Remember to put a question mark at the end of whatever you say; otherwise the NPC won't continue. When you're first learning the game, it's fun to roll up a ranger first; they have the natural advantage of tracking skill, which helps them hunt down appropriate prey while leveling up. Good Exp for low levels in Qeynos Area: You must be in Qeynos area before attempting this trick, and around lvl 2-4. Once you reach level 3, go to Qeynos hills and kill Gnolls, Gnoll pups , Gnoll scouts or Gnoll watchers. There is a slight chance they will drop gnoll fangs. Get 4 (or more) gnoll fangs and take them to the captain of the gaurds that overlooks the arena. Give him 4 teeth at a time. He will give you lots of exp and 4 moonstones. Give the moonstones to the bartender in the back of the bar in South Qeynos. He will also give you exp. Back To Cheats and Hints Section

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