Online Boxing 3D is an online multi player boxing game. The game is neither in beta or alpha, but is being developed continuously, with a new playable version released every now and then.\nFeatures: physics driven characters (no canned animations) , realistic boxing (you can combine every move, instead of only using one move at a time) and online play. \nIn short, it is trying trying to simulate boxing as realistically as possible.\nThe goal is to fight yourself through different levels and rankings, from novice, to amateur, to pro. The server keeps track of a every boxers record, win, losses, etc. Graphics and sound is pretty basic but the developer has promised better graphics (skins, arenas) in the future.
Post Date: 10:39 26-02-2015
Rating: 4
Author: axwellshm
Comment: The theme of the game is really good, also and gameplay… But really, they couldn’t do anything about the graphics. Really , only colors are recognizable. Gonna rate it 4/10 because of that.
Post Date: 13:12 08-11-2014
Rating: 6
Author: Mihajlo
Comment: 3D Online Boxing is online boxing game. Game graphics are done poorly but physics are really great and realistic. As the character, you progress trough the ladder, constantly facing stronger opponents. Overall rate for this game is 6/10.
Post Date: 17:23 08-10-2014
Rating: 3
Author: brankomiljus20
Comment: This is online multiplayer game, graph is bad as u can see but idea of game is good. As i every boxing game your goal is to KO or enemy before he KO you
Post Date: 15:17 20-04-2014
Rating: 5
Author: savicaa
Comment: Here we have little online game . In this game you need to punch oponnent as much as you can to win him .
This is real boxing game , where you need to fight oponnents and get medals . You can choose what character you will be , but you can’t choose your oponnent . On start , you will have really easy wins , but later you will get good oponnents and it will be so hard to win them . In this game you have combos that will give you more damage to win the oponnent . You can also choose in what arena you will fight , skins of arenas and public of course .
In this game you also have ranking , if you are good , you will get better rank and more rewards and harder oponnents , but easy , first learn how to play this game .Few words about game . Graphics are terrible as you can see on the picture so 4/10 , sound is much better then graphics so 7/10 , gameplay is good cause organisation is good so 7/10 , animations are really bad so 4/10. For all game i will give 5/10. 🙂
Post Date: 11:07 20-04-2014
Rating: 6
Author: stojan111
Comment: I like this game because its 3D and online but i hate it too because there is bad graphics, so bad graphic.. and i hate it.
Post Date: 16:51 02-04-2014
Rating: 9
Author: TheCantWait
Comment: hahahah nice game 😀 i like it…graphic is bad but that isnt important 😀
Post Date: 21:59 15-10-2013
Rating: 3
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Not Fun at all i had no enjoyment in it the graphics suck its boring also its the same background on repeat and gives a headache just a really bad game i dont recommend playing this game at all
Yes I agree with Red definetly,but I think this game can’t be enjoyable because it’s unfinished and that’s why I won’t suggest this game.I’ll give 2/5 to this game.
I find the game boring they could’ve done a little bit better with the avatar I don’t mind them being boxes andall but they should’ve at least make it a little bit better than that.
Well this is a pretty simple boxing game. The gameplay is pretty repetitive, there is competition modes and ai modes. The game is pretty low quality, however it is a free to play. Overall, the only unique thing is that the boxers in the ring are actual boxed shape humans. Other than that, if I was to rate this game, it’ll be a 1/5.
3D Online Boxing is an average boxing game. This game reminds me somewhat of Sumotori Dreams, especially the way the characters look. The character designs are not too impressive, and even the boxing arena is not really that impressive; I believe textures would make this game look better. The gameplay is straightforward, but it does feel very stale as it is pretty much just punching with barely anything that truly stands out. I do respect that this game is 3D and is actually playable, but overall, I would rate this game a 3/5.
This is a pretty simple boxing game with bad graphics, I feel like you’d have more fun playing games like final wrestling pro than this. There is very little skill moves to learn.
Online games are a popular digital form of entertainment. The gaming platforms level up your overall gaming experience. These games are largely based on...
Seams like a solid game if you dont mind the graphics.
This game reminds me on toribash,gameplay isnt something special,dont like graphic,im giving 1 star/5
Online Boxing 3d video game,it seems unfinished for me,I dont like the physics of game,but anyway try it it should be enjoyable
Yes I agree with Red definetly,but I think this game can’t be enjoyable because it’s unfinished and that’s why I won’t suggest this game.I’ll give 2/5 to this game.
Looks like an Old School game.. But it is still cool… 😛
3D 😮 Nice ! I love 3D Games 🙂 Coooool
I find the game boring they could’ve done a little bit better with the avatar I don’t mind them being boxes andall but they should’ve at least make it a little bit better than that.
Well this is a pretty simple boxing game. The gameplay is pretty repetitive, there is competition modes and ai modes. The game is pretty low quality, however it is a free to play. Overall, the only unique thing is that the boxers in the ring are actual boxed shape humans. Other than that, if I was to rate this game, it’ll be a 1/5.
Hmm.. I don’t like the graphics. It feels really sluggish and dull to play. I wouldnt recommend it.
Thumbs Downy~
3D Online Boxing is an average boxing game. This game reminds me somewhat of Sumotori Dreams, especially the way the characters look. The character designs are not too impressive, and even the boxing arena is not really that impressive; I believe textures would make this game look better. The gameplay is straightforward, but it does feel very stale as it is pretty much just punching with barely anything that truly stands out. I do respect that this game is 3D and is actually playable, but overall, I would rate this game a 3/5.
This is a pretty simple boxing game with bad graphics, I feel like you’d have more fun playing games like final wrestling pro than this. There is very little skill moves to learn.
The graphics are horrible but the game is somewhat funny.i enjoyed playing this one with my friends. 3/5