Broforce is a popular throwback to 80s wars games like the Contra and Metal Slug franchises only with a modern twist. Unlike games of yesteryear, this game features online multi-player and destructible environments. The game is not the easiest to classify, but picture Rambo in Terraria with no building and you get some idea of what Broforce is about and is capable of. The game takes some from old school games, some from modern sandbox games, and even a little from action movies from the 80’s and rolls them all into one entertaining ball of brosomeness.

Get familiar to the use of “bro” because the game uses it by the truckload. In fact, this review will not exactly be bro-free either. To be fair, the concept works and the game is well on to being a cult-classic in addition to being a tribute to the action-packed 80s. The game just officially launched last week and has already developed a massive following on Steam along with very positive reviews. The video and theme song below shows an example of the game’s high marketability.  In other words, the bro franchise is currently firing on all cylinders.

My Alienware PC even showed tribute to the game with a special light show that no other game has been able to incite yet. I normally run with a blue alien head on the PC and a blue keyboard, but my rig explodes with flashing colors every few seconds whenever I run the game. None of the games above including Terraria are capable of doing that so it cant be called old school in that regard at all. That is my only real con with Broforce.

The game itself is brilliant and can be very addictive whether you were around during the 80s or not. Being able to scale walls with a knife or blow up everything around you never seems to get old. There are also bucket loads of different bros to keep play interested whether you are playing bro-op, death match, or even solo. The replay value is very high because there is also a level editor for the community to create further action adventures. There are even explosion runs where you can partner with other bros for time attack runs through exploding surroundings. Like the Expendables movies (of which Broforce had a free game called the Expendabros), Broforce is likely the start of a very successful action game franchise.

Key Features:

  • Available on Steam for $14.99.
  • Just fully launched.
  • Online and local co-op.
  • Single and multiplayer.
  • Released on October 15th, 2015.
  • Is also available on Linux.
  • Destructible environments.
  • Has a free to play expansion called the Expendabros.
  • Has a level editor.
  • Dozens of bros.
  • Explosion runs.
  • Full controller support.


  1. Tribute to the 80s.
  2. Environments are destructible by your weapons.
  3. Characters are parodies of famous action movie stars and characters.
  4. Retro gaming at its best.
  5. Easy join multiplayer.
  6. Unique Weapons.
  7. The bro “brand” over  almost everything.
  8. Can climb with a knife.
  9. Chain reactions of explosions.
  10. Each bro has their own special attacks and weapons.


  1. Not for all systems.
  2. Goes “bro” crazy.
  3. Alienware colors went nuts with this game.
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  1. First thing that comes up my mind when I saw this game is the song called “America f**k yeah” 😀
    Interesting game with retro graphics that offers coop mode with lot of different items to try out.

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. Even I don’t like arcade games,this is good one,co op part is awesome ,really good gameplay,suggestion

    Djolebelevode did not rate this post.
  3. Old 2d game but it is interesting.Reminds me on super mario buy uou got weapons and you kill your enemies

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  4. Broforce is a great game to play online with friends either locally or online. If you are fan of card-games like Metal Slug, Contra and even Megaman you can not pass this game. Broforce is extremely fun, also cheap and nostalgic and will you fun for a considerable time. These 80s characters really makes up this game. 🙂

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  5. The sheer amount of explosive objects on screen means destruction gets pretty wild with other players involved so I’ve actually found myself preferring to play it solo, where you control the pace yourself. There’s also a dedicated deathmatch mode for those of you who’d rather work against one another than together; it’s perhaps a little too chaotic for my tastes, but it’s a laugh in short bursts. Beyond that there’s even an intimidating level editor, but if you’re too daunted to try that out you can simply browse through and quickly and easily load community-made levels.

    Nhecole did not rate this post.
  6. Broforce is an amazing old-school style platformer. I like the throwback to old graphics, especially as the graphics are some of the best throwback graphics I have seen for such a modern game, even with the animations. The gameplay is really fun, being able to shoot, climb, and liberate each area. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.5/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5
  7. This game serves as a good tribute, if you’ve enjoyed any retro games when you were a kid you will probably grow into liking this game. The audio and sound effects are very crisp and clear. It’s got a old school but also modern look into it which is nice. I think what would make this game even more good is if it was on mobile or a touch screen device, it would work out really good since it’s a side scroller.

    Rex did not rate this post.
  8. Retro gaming at its finest. This is when you describe the graphics as classic instead of outdated. Easy to understand, fun to play, shoot stuff destroy stuff eat sleep aside from that there’s very little we need in this world.


    Rueness did not rate this post.

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