Well it is time!

All the Heats are done and the playoffs are here. The way this will be set up is by a bracket system.


Farmville vs. Ninja Wars

Draw My Thing vs. YoVille

Castle Age vs. Crazy Planets

Gaia Online vs. Vampire Wars


The way this is going to work is all faceoffs will happen together. You get ONE vote per faceoff.

The First Round is March 28th – ย April 7th

Thanks! Comment any questions/comments you may have ๐Ÿ™‚



[polldaddy poll=”4805673″] [polldaddy poll=”4805686″]ย [polldaddy poll=”4805690″] [polldaddy poll=”4805697″]


  1. Voted for Farmville, Castle Age, Gaia Online and Draw My Thing ๐Ÿ™‚
    Farmville Rlz ๐Ÿ™‚

    Eclud did not rate this post.