
Game Description:

In this first pearson boxing game, where you are human who wants to participate in Beast Boxing Leagues, but since humans aren’t allowed to participate, you are wearing costume.
You can customize your character by using nearly endless character upgrades.

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  1. Solid first person boxing video game where you are human and you fight versus beasts,I enjoyed playing it,I suggest it everybody

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  2. It’s a pretty fast pace boxing game, with CREATURES!!! Yes, the characters in this game are actually what makes this game unique. Yet the gameplay is pretty repetitive, the objectives and winning is pretty difficult. Therefore, I’d have to rate this game a 4/5.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  3. Beast Boxing Turbo is a neat boxing game, especially since boxing games are not too common, and this game is unlike a lot of fighting games. What is great about this game is the various customization possible, but also the first-person gameplay. I also like that the player is matched against non-human characters, which is very unique for this kind of game. Overall, I would rate this game a 4/5.

    Snowy did not rate this post.
  4. Very weird yet interesting idea for a game. Very unrealistic as normally a human fighting some sort of beast would result in complete destruction of the human especially in boxing. But its still a cute and fun game. If you like boxing or beasts you should check it out. I rate it 4/5.

    Stroik ratings for this post: Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4Stroik gives a rating of 4
  5. Beast Boxing Turbo is a boxing game where you fight beasts as a human who is wearing a costume. There are many upgrades to play around with in this first person boxing game. Game has good controls and looks good to look at. I give it solid 4 stars.

    Heromanguy12 ratings for this post: Heromanguy12 gives a rating of 4Heromanguy12 gives a rating of 4Heromanguy12 gives a rating of 4Heromanguy12 gives a rating of 4Heromanguy12 gives a rating of 4

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