Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ogre Steam, Esports, and Streams Forum Event

Our biggest forum event occurs year round, but we have a new one every two months. The current one is called Ogre Steam, Esports, and Streams Forum EventĀ  This event allows...

Massive Online Game Directory

After more than twelve years with the same directory, is finally making the switch to a new Massive Online Game Directory. Moving over 3000 games to the new format is...

GameOgre Points and Dollars

In the past couple of weeks, has added quite a bit to our online community. First, we changed our MMORPG Forum from an old version of Vbulletin to the latest...

GameOgre Shop Opens

Now all members of (the main site and the forum) have a chance at goodies in our brand new game shop:). After 7 years of having a forum shop and...

Pirates Meet the Ogres in Terraria experienced Terraria as a community again last week. This time there was probably even more members and NPCs. I went exploring in the opposite direction to see what I could...

Terraria Multiplayer

Today for Ogre game time was a little bit different as we traded in brutal swords and guns for the 2D splendor of Terraria. Besides the usualĀ  OGT participants there were...

OGT in 2D and 3D

Today was rather a unique experience for Ogre Game Time since we played two entirely different games with different people. First, there was Chivalry Medieval Warfare again with three D brutality....

Ogres Invade Chivalry

For Ogre Game Time this week, we tried Chivalry Medieval Warfare for the first time. Since ogres are more at home with melee weapons than guns and rifles, CMW was a...

Chivalry Medieval Warfare has chosen games in the past to livestream and to play together as a community. Our first shot at that did not exactly turn out well many years ago in...


The Fastest Way to Max Heroes in Clash of Clans

This article will dive into the secrets of maximizing hero upgrades in Clash of Clans. By focusing on efficient farming strategies and resource collection,...

Mastering Online Games